5ft6 - 5ft7 goal weight?



  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm 5ft 6in and my goal is 125 to start, possibly moving to 120. I was very fit and healthy at 114 for a long time and have a smaller frame (which is why this extra weight looks so obvious!). I have strong legs so they're thicker but it usually balances out when I get smaller and leaner.
  • I'm 5ft6 1/2 and weight 153. My lowest was just under 130. I want to get around 120-125. :) But, I have a large bone structure, so that may change things.
  • earltj
    earltj Posts: 9
    I am 5 7 my original wt. was 250, I am now 169 and aiming for 159. I am muscular broad shoulders and muscular legs. I am happy with my size at a 5/6.
  • nakira80
    nakira80 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5'6'' and my legs get muscle very easily so I have a booty and quads. I am 132 right now and my goal weight is 123. I have been that before and I felt great although bf said I was too skinny :-/

    I was 123 before but had no muscles and my clothes fit baggy so I bought size 4 and 6. Now at 132 the 6's are getting tight and the 4's I don't feel comfortable wearing. I got divorced so not that much money to buy new clothes.

    I find that when I start doing weights I gain weight back up to 125-127 but for me the number may not be as important as how I look in my clothes and feel :-)
  • melwharris91
    melwharris91 Posts: 80 Member
    I am 5 7 and currently weigh 146. My goal weighr is 135 to 140 depending on how I feel and how my clothing fits.
  • Gatus98
    Gatus98 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm just shy of 5'6" and weigh 133. I work out, so I have some muscle but too much fat surrounding them. I have my goal weight set at 125, but it's really more about looking lean to me at this point. My sister is about my size, weighs 145 pounds, and looks toned and fit. Depends on the person.
  • I'm 5ft6 and 130 lbs. Goal is 120! Add me if you like! :)
  • caitlinashe511
    caitlinashe511 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! New here! I am 5'7" and my CW is 138, my GW is 125, but after that we'll see how I look. I have a small frame but really big boobs (ugh) so being thinner kind of offsets them. I was really thin my whole life up until my junior/senior years of college when I ballooned to like 145-150. I really want to lose atleast 5 lbs this month, and I'm going to try to kick up the interval training and resistance bands as well as protein protein protein!!

    Please add me!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    5'7, CW 140, GW about 135. My problem area is belly. If I keep losing it anywhere else I will give up and stay as I am. Weigh now same as when I was 21, so I'm happy, and the baby belly, well it's looking mighty stubborn. I would like it smaller and flatter but not if the rest of me starts looking like skin and bone.
  • emily_iwata
    emily_iwata Posts: 3 Member
    I'm most comfortable right between 120 - 125, but since leaving college I have pretty sizable boobs and my husband is totally a fan of my current weight (around 135 - 140).

    Well, too bad.

    Going for 120, probably no lower.
  • Rory_123
    Rory_123 Posts: 68 Member
    Height: 5"6.5
    HW: 140
    CW: 133
    GW: 125
    UGW: 120

    I felt my best around 118-122, but I wasn't working out then so I was thin but in very poor shape. I'd like to get back down to that size (a size 4 with some room to spare) but instead be fit and lean, not just lean. That might mean I end up closer to 130 than 120, but I don't know because I've never been there before!

    I'm starting to up the intensity of my workouts today, although I'm keeping my cardio fairly light, otherwise I get ravenous and I blow my calorie intake. I've been doing lots of pilates and yoga, and I'll keep at that but scale it back to 2x per week, adding in 3x per week of strength training and HIIT.

    Wish me luck!
  • danigirl258
    danigirl258 Posts: 12 Member
    HW: 200
    CW: 162
    GW (for now): 135

    My true goal weight may be a little lower or higher depending on how things go. I'm planning to focus my exercising around weightlifting to get a good body composition rather than focus on the scale weight. More muscle=more food. :happy: I mostly just want that stubborn belly fat and the little extra pockets of fat on my upper thighs to disappear.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    I'm 5'7"-5'8" and aiming for 128. My thighs are the worst.

    I guess the ideal BMI depends on different people's builds, but my own build is medium-small and I'm not muscular nor do I intend to be, so I figure for my age and frame, a BMI between 19.5 and 20 is appropriate. It's medically sound, plus I know I look good at that weight.
  • I'm 5'7 and weigh 147. My goal weight is 135. I always loose my butt first:cry:
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    My calves are huuuuge! Even when I am 8lbs underweight, they are 14'' around. Good for you for embracing yours! I'm still struggling to completely accept mine.
    Cry me a river, boo hoo! I am so jealous of your calves I think I'd be willing to kill you just to cut them off and graft them onto myself. I have these stupid chicken leg calves that don't bulk up no matter what I do. Fat thighs, toothpick calves. The worst.
  • petalbelle
    petalbelle Posts: 2 Member
    Just under 5'7. Currently fluctuating around 129-133. Goal is to knock 10 lbs off and fluctuate around 118-122, like I was in high school. I never really had to watch what I ate, but all of a sudden the summer after my senior year of undergrad I stepped on the scale and saw 152 lbs! (totally unexpected). It's been a 15 month journey to lose 20 lbs (give or take). Any advice or stories from ladies in similar situations are appreciated!
  • Akreisler
    Akreisler Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'6 and currently 153. My weight fluctuates severely due to binging/purging. My current goal is to be 125 by March 15, the sooner the better but I do not think that is very realistic, especially since I am limited in my workouts. I have a herniated disc and pinched nerve in my back that keeps me from doing most exercise.

    Several years back I stayed between 120-127 and loved the way I looked, have to get back there!

    Anyone else unable to workout "hardcore" due to injuries? If so, have you found any light exercises that has proven to help with your weight loss? Would really appreciate feedback :)
  • bridgew24
    bridgew24 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my current goal is 130lb.
    I am fairly muscular, it's just my body type, so I have to accept I'll never have the low numbers to match how I look. Any girls on this thread feel free to friend me! It's great to have similar shapes and sizes to encourage you. :happy:
  • vicrich82
    vicrich82 Posts: 3 Member
    I am between 5'6 and 5'7 but have a bigger frame to begin with... 120-130 lbs on me would show bones lol.

    I think it is more about BMI and Body Fat % than weight for me, but 140-145 would be awesome... working on it.
  • I am 5' 7" and am currently 143 pounds - I was down to 135 and felt really good - I wish that I had tone more though than just looking at the scale. Now that I put weight back on, it looks a lot more than 5-8 pounds. That's what I am aiming to different this round, stay on track and keep measurements to keep me on track :)