

  • Yep its great... Kills me mind, but I love it!! Gets a lot of anger out of me as well... :O)
  • Brilliant... Well done you! I too want to lose 100lbs. I joined the gym back in June and I love it!! Never thought I'd ever say that, but if I miss going one night I feel as guilty as hell.. lol. Good luck on your journey, you can do it :O))
  • Hey there... I just joined too... I did join a few months ago, but didn't really stick to it... So I guess from now on I will as I've just joined the gym, so really I have to keep track of what I am eating.. Good luck anyways :O)
  • I got a Mattersons sausage with veg... Not very healthy at all I'm afraid, but it'll do for now :O/