

  • Well done!! You've done great! I also love this site.. x
  • Thanks :)
  • Good luck!! Add me if you like!
  • this is totally wrong LOL i started at 240 (17st 2) not 245(17st 7) Anyways I'm now 233 :D 7lbs in almost 3weeks.. not 2 bad!
  • CRAZY! the wii now says i lost 5lbs.. so the 2lb from yday and a few more..
  • I'm not too bothered about gaining muscle .. Just wondered why its so up and down.i realise that walking, treadmill and wii fit isnt gonna be the best/fastest way to lose weight which is why im joining a gym on monday and im gonna do as much as i can.. just as i said i wondered why it was so up and down,
  • I've only been at it 2week so not much change really. think ile measure and give the scales a missfor a while. Joining a gym on monday :DWahay! 3x a week! Has a childcare setting for my two youngest. I guess it just makes me feel so.. Crap when ive tried so hardtoday and seem to put on 2lbsbut i ate a chippy dinner last…
  • Hehe up?! Ive been up ages!Done a one hour work out already! had a shower and breakfast. Just having a minute then going to get cleaned up xx
  • Hey add me if u want?! I'm new on here! Still getting to grips with this site! I'm 24 and I would like to lose alot! starting at around 10Kg or so! Kind of a mini Goal! Good luck to you all xx
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