

  • I live in China and the options for healthy foods are few. I've googled different recipes and tried the below. They were all SOOO good! Grilled veggie mix wrap w/ hummus Sweet Potato Quinoa Chili Egg whites and sauteed veggie scramble Blackbean Quinoa burgers When I make these, I end up making about 6 portions. It lasts me…
  • Hi, I'm Jenn! I'm 24 and living in Shanghai, China. My first 10 months here I've had a grand old time... BUT I've neglected my workouts and healthy habits. Last week I booked at trip to go diving in the Philippines in June which means bikini!! eeek. Today is my first day on the site and I was so excited to see the May…
  • Hello! 24 almost 25! Living abroad at the moment where life is little too much fun... meaning lots of wining, dining, and happy hours. I am hoping to reverse the damage I have done \and get back to where I am feeling healthy and my best self.... about 15 lbs. I hope I can make some friends on here and we can encourage and…