

  • i lost 72 pounds in 90 proud of myself right now!!! Great job with your weight loss!!!
  • my wife lost 21 pounds in 42 days from her pregnancy by drinking two milkshakes a day. She orders the shakes at It actually saved us money too..the two shakes she drinks to replace her meals cost us only $3.50 per day much less than what two meals a day would cost... Im thinking about doing it…
  • beatiful!! just beatiful!!! you look great amd that smile will melt any guys did mine!! lol
  • how old and current weight?
  • dont feel like your being lazy..dont forget if you work your body to hard it will use muscle and the more muscle you have the more calories you stay at your heart rate and you will succeed!
  • its funny because when i first started i was thinking to myself that know way can i only eat 1990 calories per day and not feel hungry but after a few days i cant even get to 1990 if i wanted to without feeling to full and just shows you that you can train your body to do what you want it to do,....i really is…
  • keep going my friend you will get there.....i just started on this website today but have been dieting and excercising since jan 3 2011 and have lost 15 pounds. it feels good to walk upstairs and not feel out of breath....and i look better too!!!
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