Target Heart Rate

Titus220 Posts: 9
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I need help/guidance about this whole target heart rate. It is my understanding that I need to be at my target heart rate while exercising in order to lose the most calories for weight loss. When I am in my target heart rate I feel like I am being lazy! What is everyone else doing! I would love your thoughts!


  • BigBootyMimi
    BigBootyMimi Posts: 84 Member
    Me too! I totally feel like I am not pushing myself enough if I'm at my target hr.
  • bdavis1
    bdavis1 Posts: 13
    my doctor told me a good target rate for me is 135, at the fastest part of my workout. I am almost 50 and have a long way to go to be really health. I think the best thing to do is ask your family doctor. He or she will be able to give you the best advise.
  • dont feel like your being lazy..dont forget if you work your body to hard it will use muscle and the more muscle you have the more calories you stay at your heart rate and you will succeed!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I feel silly asking this, but ... how would I know what my "target heart rate" during exercise is?
  • how old and current weight?
  • I think target heart rate can be important, but for weight loss I have found that what is really important to burn calories is to really be "burning" something. Strengthening your heart and really breaking a sweat! If you never really sweat you aren't really pushing your body. Interval conditioning is helpful too to go between target heart rate to high heart rate etc.. I am not an expert, but my weight loss kicked into gear when my workouts became more challenging with cardio. Good luck!
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    Your maximum target heart rate is 220 minus your age -- this is the range you should be in. The recommendation during aerobic exercise is to work out at 70-85% of your maximum.

    For example:

    I am 36 y/o, so 220 - 36 = 184...............that is the maximum my cardiovascular system can handle during aerobic exercise

    I need a range of 70-85%

    184 x 70% = 128
    184 x 85% = for an effective workout I should be in the range of 128 - 156 beats a minute. The best workout would be at the upper end of 85%, so I usually try to aim for 145 - 156.

    You will find when you're at the upper end of your THR, you will be breaking a sweat. You shouldn't be working out so hard that you're gasping for air, but at least able to have a conversation.

    Hope that helps :)

    Edited to add the link I got this info from.
  • Here is a good site to find the formula for finding you target heart rate .

    Personally I subtract my age from 220, so 220-50 = 170 my max heart rate I use a range of 80-85% of my MHR with sprints of 90-100% of my MHR until I reach Oxygen debt. My Cardio is a minimum of 45 Minutes, 60 minutes on weekends. I manage to burn between 500 and 700 Kcal per work out
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