Me too, I'm recommitting myself. I've been lazy with the Keto-ing. Going to track and not cheat for at least 2 weeks. I would love to say that I won't cheat for even a month but I know myself. After awhile I just cannot go any further without ice cream, chips, or a slice of pizza. It's all about keeping yourself sane. I'd…
I too was a Weight Watcher's member for a year. In order to lose during the week I had to starve myself and watch every, single thing that I ate. Keto is such a freeing diet. I am always satisfied and know what I can and cannot have. Wednesday will be 4 weeks on Keto and I'm down 7 pounds. This is awesome.
I'm doing Keto myself. It will be four weeks on Wednesday. Though it's hard at times to not give into cravings, it's easier because you're more satisfied after eating. This is not a lifestyle that I want to maintain forever, it's just a vehicle to get me to my goals quicker.