

  • Go Jen go! I recommend intervals on the treadmill, fastest way to burn calories! I also use hand weights while walking on the treadmill to work my arms.
  • We make our own "ice cream" - freeze a banana or two, add to blender with almond milk, vanilla, unsweetened cocoa powder, dates, maybe ground walnuts, or raw peanut butter, whatever you like. AND, you know exactly what's in it, and nothing processed. Tastes amazing!
  • You could be just be building a lot of muscle, hence no move on the weight number. As long as you feel good and you see it in your clothes, forget the scale! :)
  • Laughing cow cheese wedges - light blue cheese, chipotle, garlic, they're all good on a sandwich! Agree with the girl below about Stubbs bbq sauce - delish!
  • I recommend you use salsa to season the meat instead of the taco seasoning, which is loaded with sodium! Enjoy!
  • I eat the Fiber One cottage cheese with tons of fresh ground black pepper, a bit of sea salt and sweet cherry tomatoes! Love it! You get extra fiber and good protein!