

  • That's great Vivilane that you want to start taking steps to actual weight loss! It's not going to always be easy to shed the pounds a keep them off. You are going to have to commit to it and not give up even when you do hit your plateaus. Just know you joined a wonderful community that is here to support and guide you…
  • I really fail to see how coffee could help in weight loss. I think you would be just better off drinking chilled water. Got this excerpt from health.howstuffworks.com So in the case of a 16-ounce glass of ice water, your body must raise the temperature of 473.18 grams of water from zero to 37 degrees C. In doing so, your…
  • I also have time issues. It can be difficult but is completely doable. I have been looking up various ways to get the most bang out of my buck when it comes to squeezing in 15 minutes exercises. You would be surprised if you broke down what you do throughout the day. I mean write it all down and find things that you can…
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