buh_bye_flab Member


  • I am one of those folks that gets way too obsessed with the number on the scale. If I see a small loss, I turn to bad habits like not eating well just to lose another pound, and another number of things that aren't good to do. I've made it a point to listen to my body, be diligent about my food tracking, and exercise as…
  • heybales - correct, the numbers I originally listed are the MFP adjustments. The data straight from my FB dashboard is this: Friday: 14,995 steps, 6.75 miles, 2,905 calories burned (Force) Saturday: 14,877 steps, 6.68 miles, 3,360 calories burned (Charge HR) Sunday: 11, 575 steps, 5.20 miles, 3,332 calories burned (Charge…
  • Hmm, thanks for that! I do like the Charge HR better than the Force already - it hasn't fallen off my wrist once ;) I'm hoping for more awesome replies too!
  • I hide food from my husband so that 1) he doesn't know I'm snacking and not logging and 2)I don't have to share. Totally had egg all over my face the one time he found a half eaten donut shoved under my carseat :/
  • Try this points calculator - for both the newer and old flex points programs: http://www.calculatorcat.com/free_calculators/weight_watchers_calculator.phtml
  • Hey there! I've been in your shoes. For me, walking and then power walking got me going! At first I walked alone because I was so dang slow. Then as my endurance picked up, I started walking with friends. Chit-chatting seemed to always make the walks go faster, and before you know it, we'd have gone 5 miles! After walking…
  • Good choice on the protein. My school had these turkey, bacon, ranch subs that were oh-so-good but oh-so-bad. That was my protein source my freshman year. Whoops! At least it seems like schools are offering healthier options. I lived in dorms that had kitchens so I was able to do a lot of my own cooking. I think it'll be…
  • Hi! I'm a little older than you, but I was in your shoes (as a college student trying to be healthy!) not so long ago. Reading your message ... well, sounds like me! I've plateaued more times than I can count and even though I've started exercising and tracking, I've only lost (and then regained!) 1.5lbs. If you are still…