zipline failure
Walked in front of a Greg Norman drive. He did not receive a penalty stroke.
Drank way too much prune juice and his guts came out.... The end.
choked on a slim jim
Went into a local pub and got hammered
Wandered into an oil field and was drilled.
She just wore out. Her body was donated to science.
Was kicked in the head standing too close to the melee trying to get a better view.
Thought she could get the rigor out and the poor thing keeled over from exhaustion
Put too many blue pills in his drink and paid a dear price for it. Did set a record in the pole vault
Exhaustion from coaxing a smile
Accidentally tried to seduce a freak and was found with a pen in her mane
Skipped protection and got an awful disease
Also any of the Scrooge movies. Good medicine to influence my perspective.
Wanted a hat on the tip
Was kicked by a camel's toe
Choked on the blue pill and died of a stiff neck
She fell apart from leprosy with no one around to pick up the pieces
A bit off topic but ATF Yankee Doodle Dandy with Cagney. So many of the early actors came out of Vaudeville.
Möbius syndrome
Toss up between White Christmas with Crosby and Kaye and it's a wonderful life with Stewart. Doesn't seem like Christmas until watching those.
Was raped by Gang Green in a NY Jets alumni party
Oral cancer
Stroke while bleaching the sun