

  • Thanks for the thoughts. I think halving a portion would be wise.......it's that out of control/denial thing whilst in the moment. My husband DOES know I'm desperate to lose weight........and supports me fully. But he won't share a meal with me----he is always so hungry and THIN. I don't know how to talk to him--I'm…
  • First: Thank you all for your amazing kindness and understanding.....as well as sound advice. I know this is a battle---I have been fighting a weight battle for so long----I can't live my life like this anymore. Eating for me=guilt. I purged several years ago---and all of you are right----my throat began to hurt and I…
  • MrsLondon: i LOVE YOUR QUOTE AND WANNA MAKE IT MY MANTRA! "Inside me is a skinny,beautiful woman desperate to get out, I WILL meet her this year" BRILLIANT!
  • N/A
  • I'm hoping this site will be the thing to make that extra difference. Thanks for the comradery. I just hate myself so much right now. I hate the way clothes feel---I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. I am also humiliated to get undressed in front of friends or my husband. Again, I appreciate you guys who are dealing with…
  • Sienna Miller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or, Gisele Bundchen!:heart:
  • This has always been dangerous ground for me. If I haven't had a "cheat-treat" in weeks, I have mentally crossed that item off my mind. If I "cheat" I fear the taste will entice me to eat too many servings and feel hungry.
    in Cheat day?? Comment by jn13 January 2011