Ennay2 Member


  • This. And patience.
  • Do NOT eat less. MFP's recommendations are if anything already on the low side. If you can't do it for the rest of your life, it isnt workable. If you are going to bed feeling hungry and you are not losing, try shifting macros around. For all the crap about the "best" diet out there, the best one is the one you can live…
  • Bioelectric impedance measurement (the kind you get with a scale or a hand held device like an Omron) is HIGHLY variable. How hydrated you are makes a HUGE difference. This is the kind of measurement you have to look at the trend over time, never 2 individual data points.
  • Make a double or triple batch of whatever flavor protein shake you like (you want about 24 fl oz). Add 4 eggs (if you are lowcarb for seizures, then you should be able to handle the fat of egg yolks). Mix well. Pour into a 8-9" casserole. Bake in a water bath (place inside a larger baking dish and add hot water to the…