

  • I can, i can touch the floor with palms flat... can also do the splits without having to think about it, but i am "hyper flexible" apparently - according to my physiotherapist :S .
  • Hi :o)) (i am new too, only been here a week, this is my second post!) Like you i also want to loose about 2 stone, that is my goal,but anything more then 2 stone is a bonus :o)) I also do Aqua, i love it. I started loosing weight in autumn of 2009, lost 4 stone in total, then it went horribly wrong and i have put just…
  • Hi, I am new to this as well. I am currently at 190lbs. (13.5 stone) In Summer 2009 i started loosing weight when i reached nearly 16 stone -just a couple of pounds under! (222 lbs) Initially i did quite well, i was taking reductil (with no adverse reactions or medical issues- guess i was one of the lucky ones until it was…