vickiandrews Member


  • How many 5% Challenges have you done? None. This is the first challenge of any kind I've joined in a heck of a long time. What do you like to do for fun?I enjoy taking our cocker spaniel for a walk and usually end up at a pub having a couple of beers What major city do you live in or near? State? Birmingham, England What…
  • Hi - I hope I'm not too late to join. Any team with room for a little one will do! :)
  • I want a Zombie Badge!
  • I've been using the Activite for just over a year and love it. you should be able to add me as a friend on their app with the above link.
  • I've got the Activite watch for the exact same reason. And I'm impressed with the battery life too. Feel free to add me as a friend on the app -
  • Looking for more Withings friends. I miss the interaction from FitBit but think that the Activite Pop looks better.
  • Count me in. Weather dependant with lunchtime walk though.
  • Yes it does. You connect it as the pulse and scales from the apps section. I'm not sure which one works but if you connect to both then I found it works. I agree that this watch looks the nicest some of the others look a bit too blokeish for me. Let's see who walks more!! Accept the challenge and join me in the Health Mate…
  • I'll give it a go. No idea how to do it though. It all looks a bit different to FitBit!
  • Got mine on Saturday. Didn't walk after putting it on (bit too late at night for a decent walk) and hardly moved yesterday.
  • Mine never synced at all yesterday but seems to have rectified itself today. Even corrected yesterdays. Hope this isn't going to be a regular occurrence to try and get everyone to sign up to the premium version. I'll be finding an alternative app if it does. Fitbit look like they can do every thing MFP can anyway. Has…
  • Thank you. I'm also looking for advise on what sort of exercise I can get away with doing that isn't going to make things worse. Any ideas?
  • I've had my Zip since mid July and am lost if I forget to wear it.
  • Just a quick question - I've been using my Zip for about 3 weeks now and have recently started to do a few exercises aimed mostly at legs (squats, lunges etc) at home. Does the Fitbit count these? If so, should I take it off as theoretically I am not walking anywhere?
  • I am definitely in with you. So far this year I’ve lost about 2lbs (to be totally honest I’m pretty sure I’ve gained it back, and then some) but I haven’t stepped on the scales for about a month. I zero’d my ticker on 1 January as I had lost around 2 stone (28 lbs) over the course of a couple of years and had seriously…
  • If you're looking for ideas then I find the Hairy Dieters cook book really good. And with the added bonus that someone has kindly added most of the recipes on here so you don't have to!!! I've seen that they've got a new book out too.
  • [/quote] Do you mind if I ask if you also exercise? I noticed you didn't mention it in your post. I don't at all, my job is in front of a desk. But I think just starting small, maybe adding a walk or two a week and going from there? Let's KICK SOME BUTT! :) [/quote] Nasrin I spend the majority of my working day sat at a…
  • Hi. My name is Vcki and I've been married to Jason for 14 years. We had our daughter 4 years ago. Like most brides to be I made the effort to lose some of the excess weight and did the whole diet and exercise thing. Then piled it all back on again as I sat on the sofa for too often and for far too long! Have been on this…
  • There is light at the end of the tunnel. I was diagnosed with PCOS about three months before I was getting married and to say that I was a little upset is a HUGE understatement. For me it turned out that it was a "newly discovered" side effect of the medication that I'd been taking to control my epilepsy, leading to my…
  • Hi Mary All I can say is remember how good it felt when you had to buy a size 16! Let alone when you have to take a size 14 with you into the changing room!!! I agree it can be disheartening when the scales don't move but keep going and don't give up. Feel free to add me as a friend and rant away when ever you feel…
  • At least you've done something. More than I can say about myself but I'm sticking to my promise of no more self pity! Must be working as I finally registered a loss this week.
    in Hello Comment by vickiandrews July 2013
  • Sounds like a plan. 6lbs to go until my BMI is out of the overweight category. I have never before even dreamed that would be possible. I think I was always just a bit stubborn in a way thinking that anything below 12st would be too low for me but considering I’m nearly there and like being able to see my waist and fitting…
  • Don't forget that the 'calories burned' figure depends on your weight. My friend and I use the 'mapmywalk' app when we go out for walks at lunchtime and I can usually burn about 50 cals more than she does - she weighs a lot less than I do. Even though I don't use one myself I think that a HRM is the best way to find out…
  • I get very mixed messages from coworkers - some of them keep complementing me on how well I'm doing others try to tempt me with cakes. I have also been told that I am obsessed with working my way through the challenges I've set myself through various groups I joined here. It hurt the first few times I was told this but…
  • OK I must admit I've never even heard of this. Will have to take a look when I get home. Always good to have something different to do.
  • I got it before Christmas as Little One loves watching Hairy Bikers. We've tried a couple of recipes and really enjoy them. Would recomend it. Even some one at work brought it and uses it all the time as he's diabetic. The next recipe I'm trying is the beef pie.
  • You've come to the right place. I've managed to get lots more support through this site than any other diet attempt. We all feel like falling off the wagon every now and then but the thing to remember that tomorrow's a new day. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other.