

  • Why has MFP set my goal so low at 1200 if that's bordering on dangerous? Is it because i'm not overweight at 59kg and 5'3', and only want to get down to 50kg to loose a bit on my thighs and tummy? Because i'm quite petite, do i need less calories per day than a larger person?
  • My grandparents and ancestors are all Irish, i just come from a quite traditional catholic family and i'm named after the 3 children of Fatima! Crazy!
  • Thank you all, it's a bit confusing when you first start out. I had no idea that eating less would not be a good thing for a diet. Ive never been on a diet before. Thanks again.
  • I'm starting on Saturday. I wish the light nights would hurry up, it's too dark on a night still to run on the country roads where i live.
  • Thanks guys. It calculated my calorie count at 1200, should i not follow this according to the diet rule? I weigh 59kg and want to get back to about 50kg, so it's not a lot to loose really. I find it amazing how quickly you use up your sugar intake for the day, i haven't even got a sweet tooth!
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