

  • lol it's funny you ask that because just this morning, i was thinking about how much i'm sitting here on my butt on the MFP site instead of exercising and moving around! I do all of that but I catch myself spending more time reading the posts then I probably should. Oh well, it's new and it's a great way to read tips on…
  • You are so brave! I don't even want my family to look at me! Good for you! What a great way to inspire yourself. Keep posting and checking in-YOU CAN DO IT!:wink:
  • I always have leftover meat and vegetables so I put them in a freezer bag and keep adding until I have enough to add beef or chicken broth, tomatoes and BAM! You have delicious hearty homemade soup! We also have leftover northern beans, field peas, etc. and those are good in the soup too! I call it "Stone Soup", like the…
  • I forgot about a snack that is only 35 calories and it's really satisfying. . . Jennio O Turkey bacon! I cooked up a whole pack of it and keep it in the fridge in a ziploc. I eat one slice with breakfast, crumbled one in my salad, etc. I'm making my breakfast now and I pulled out a slice of turkey bacon and took a bite of…
  • I have the same problem and I smoke, but if I don't get my eating habits under control, I know if I quit smoking, I'll automatically gain 10 lbs(I quit for 2 months years ago). I know it's stupid to have started back up but it's an addiction and so are the sweet snacks that I crave so much. I actually made a list of snacks…
  • I did that with cereal and had 2 servings because it was so low in calories but I forgot about all the calories, etc. in the milk! If I wasn't so tired, I could've exercised to lose some of the calories. . .
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