Hello Everyone!! Any ideas for snacks??

Hi Everyone!!

I have only just started with my fitness pal... and I find myslef looking for snacky bits between meals ALOT!! - (might be something to do with giving up smoking on new years after twenty years...) anyway I was wondering if anyone had any ideas that will not bash the calories/fat/carbs tooooooo much?.......

:-) Kate


  • fatphil
    Hey Kate,

    Baby carrots & Celery both a low calorie
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    apples are good because they're really filling. i've noticed that if I grab an apple and bring it to work, it doesn't look appetizing and i eat other snacks that cross my path rather than the apple.

    BUT, if i slice i up and bring it to work, i like slowly munching on the slices throughout the day. it feels more like snacking and you don't feel like you have to finish the whole thing in one sitting just because you can't set it down.
  • jamieseward
    I just brought the book 200 recipes for under 200 calories there are tons of snacks in there, and they are awesome! You can get it on Amazon for $11.00. It's worth it!
  • johnmcfarm
    I tend to be a compulsive eater...so I eat whatever I find handy. Therefore, I have placed bags of baby carrots, radishes, celery and fruit like apples, oranges and pears at easy reach. When I go to the office I bring a small six pack cooler loaded with those items. That has made it easier for me to be "good". I also notice that I am not binge eating as I used to because I would be starving by the time a meal comes by. The key is not to stop eating, but eat whenever you want to...just make it low calorie, healthy food. Consider how many carrots, radishes, and celery you would have to eat to gain weight...I don't think we can eat that much!
  • kpilgrim
    I have the same problem and I smoke, but if I don't get my eating habits under control, I know if I quit smoking, I'll automatically gain 10 lbs(I quit for 2 months years ago). I know it's stupid to have started back up but it's an addiction and so are the sweet snacks that I crave so much. I actually made a list of snacks to hang on my refrigerator so when I'm craving sweets, I see the other options. I actually prepared a ziploc bagful of carrots and celery sticks with a hunk of cream cheese and wrote the amount of calories on the bag. I figure if I make up my own 100 calorie bags, I won't have any excuses to look elsewhere. Cinnamon is supposed to curb your sweet tooth. Oatmeal is good for a filler because of the fiber-sprinkle with splenda and cinnamon and it's good! I like the cut up apple idea too because it's full of fiber. I also bought a lot of the Fuze empower, slenderize juice(they're only 20 calories for the whole bottle). I drink them as a snack when I'm hungry and it does satisfy me but I just need to break the habit of "wanting" a snack, whether I'm hungry or not! It just became a part of my nightly routine.
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    Yogurt - around 100 cals
    String cheese - made from 2% milk - 70 cals
    Medium pear - 100 cals
    100 cal snack packs - I love the Emerald Tropical Trail mix - but becareful there's 2 servings in a pouch.
    Fudgesickles - for a chocolate fix - no sugar added are 40 cals

    That's all I can think of right now...

    Oh, the Emerald Trail mix isn't a 100 calorie pack....
  • kpilgrim
    I forgot about a snack that is only 35 calories and it's really satisfying. . . Jennio O Turkey bacon! I cooked up a whole pack of it and keep it in the fridge in a ziploc. I eat one slice with breakfast, crumbled one in my salad, etc. I'm making my breakfast now and I pulled out a slice of turkey bacon and took a bite of it while it's cold-mmmmmmmmm good! It's almost like eating a piece of jerky, only better! It's only 35 calories and you can't gulp it down in one bite!
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I do apples and cheese the most but also buy (or make my own) 100 calorie packs of chips and such for when I am craving salt.
  • MADA
    MADA Posts: 1 Member
    Cheese sticks re the best... protein is always the best choice!!...+ a fruit!! We need some sugar as well.:bigsmile:
  • nanmosta1
    Hard boiled egg white is a great filler as well for snack.. I always keep them on hand to take with me running errands and the like. I also like to have yogurt with fresh fruit and fat free cool whip. It's like an ice cream sundae only good for you.
  • balcol
    balcol Posts: 2
    Thank you all soooo much!!! it is great to get thesupport!! :-)