
  • So, despite eating ~3000 calories in a SITTING in the early morning today and not eating anything else so far, but I'm hungry...? What do I do? Eat and suffer the consequences or not eat and feel crappy the rest of the day? I'm absolutely being serious, coming from someone with a developed eating disorder. People think I'm…
  • Hey guys, thanks for the comments. I'm 5'11" and my calculated BMR done at a local health shop gave me around 1890/day. I do tend to restrict calories (severely) on the following day after a binge, but as some have pointed out, that doesn't always work well. I've set myself at a 1.5lb loss a week to get me back on track…
  • I agree, so, resume normal eating the next day? I would think that I should eat less...
  • Hi, yes, I tend to consume a lot of protein bars, notably, Quest Bars, which are protein and fiber and fats. So at the end of the day, my NET carb count may be around 60 grams. I also eat meat, veggies, some starches, and nuts. But I do like those protein bars :wink: Also I have had a discussion about "body set point" in…
  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm 5'11". I'm honestly not feeling "quilty" per se about eating that much, and that was a lot, of everything, but I feel satisfied. Right now, my body feels like it's trying to figure out what to do with everything. I have stress and anxiety and I think that's part of my problem. I keep striving…
  • I opened my food log up. I messed up again! I don't really feel guilty, but now I feel like I need to not eat or fast or something tomorrow. I came home very tired from work, wasn't hungry, and then just started eating... and eating as you can see in the Dinner section of 9/17/2014. The scary thing is, I still feel like I…
  • You're awesome, thank you! What do you feel makes sense for macros though, percentage wise?
  • I have issues, lol. This is good hearing from a fellow CrossFitter! I'm exactly that, hyper analyzing my macros and then stressing over it. Kind of a background, but when I lost my weight in such a short amount of time, I lost a lot of, well, everything and became very lean. Then I started CF. Didn't track anything, did…
  • Thank you for the feedback! Even if I'm not hungry, should I still eat up to 2400 calories/day. A typical day consists of doing CrossFit in either the morning or evening and incorporates a strength component, the wod, and then maybe a cash-out like a 1 mile run, sit-ups, planking until failure. Then I typically walk around…
  • I've found that if you get to a weight that your body doesn't agree with, you will binge, almost inevitably. Likewise, this was an event that happened and now it's over. I would focus on trying to figure out your triggers for binge eating and learn from it. Write on paper and post it where you can see it, that "it's not…
  • Hey, it'll be okay. Hang in there. If it makes you feel any better, I just binged tonight as well on Fiber One cereal, an entire box, like 1200 over my TDEE. I've done this like 3 times this week. All you can do is move on. That's it! You are a normal person, nothing wrong with you, so don't beat yourself up. What has…
  • If you're Sedentary (which it doesn't sound like you are), as in, doing much of nothing, 1200 calories is still too low, I would be around 1400-1500 calories. If you're doing exercise, absolutely eat more, perhaps 1700 calories or even 1800, the exercise will create a deficit. Exercise is important, sure, but DIET is a…
  • Take it from someone who has eaten at this amount and did an hour of calisthenics every other day, yup, you'll lose a lot of fat and muscle fast. I too am 5'11", Male, this is not good for a male. You should be at 1500-1800 calories. The reason you feel fine and aren't hungry is because your body has become acclimated to…
  • BUMP Just need help on this in case I do this again (which will happen I'm sure).
  • I have had FitBit synced up to MFP, but I wanted an approach to a set amount of calories a day, so I have removed FitBit from MFP. Should I keep it on all the time? To answer the question, I stick to MFP and just eat up to the amount given. I'm mixed between sedentary and lightly active, but it really can vary. There can…
  • I struggle a lot with weight issues or body issues. My goal is to be lean and healthy and having strength. I just don't know how many calories I should eat per day, whether it's dynamic or static or even eat back exercise calories. I have binge eating issues too, as I just had a pretty bad one last night. I'm not sure what…
  • I have my carbs set at 40%, so around 230 carbs, but most of the time, I eat vegetables or kidney beans, so I'm netting around 100 to 150 carbs for the day after fiber is subtracted. I do 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. I focus more on protein being about 170 grams, so 1 gram per pound of body weight and then fit in fats…