

  • I am feeling tired, more stressed out than usual, I feel like I am starving (like sick hungry), just altogether bad. I am making myself drink one -two cups of coffee a day and this has helped with the headaches that I was having. I figured that my body was just like "what is going on, where is the good (bad) stuff" I know…
  • I haven't really tried my hardest and gave it my all thus far. I have 80 pounds to hit my first goal and feel good about myself and about 95 to be where really want to be. I am 5'4
  • I am eating 1200 because that is what MFP and other sites say I need to eat to lose 2 pounds a week. I really want to lose the weight as fast as possible.
  • Typical day before: Breakfast #1 - honeybun (pure laziness) Breakfast #2- left over slice of pizza lunch- lean cuisine snack- varied nothing healthy though dinner- spaghetti w/ 1 slice of garlic bread snack before bed- something else unhealthy I didn't eat a lot just really bad choices. So far since I have tried eating…
  • You sir, are rude! I can assure you that I am NOT using this as a "crutch" to eat! I know how I feel when I don't eat enough and when my sugar gets low! Are you a doctor? If you aren't, I certainly wouldn't be giving people medical advice!
  • Thank you all for your help! I am not sure if mine is "true" hypoglycemia either however I do know that my symptoms are very real! I get shaky, feel like I am starving, and dizzy. I will look into the eating advice given.
  • Definitely not being "pissy" or overly defensive! I just felt like maybe I was coming off as putting people, like yourself, down for loosing weight slower than some and I wanted to clear up that's not what I was trying to do. Loosing weight is a huge accomplishment for anybody no matter how much or how long. I maybe took…
  • I actually DID gain it all really fast. I gained my weight while I was pregnant with my fourth child. I am not saying that you shouldn't be proud of yourself, I was just wondering why it took people so long as to it taking some only a couple months to a year.
  • I actually DID gain it all really fast. I gained my weight while I was pregnant with my fourth child. I am not saying that you shouldn't be proud of yourself, I was just wondering why it took people so long as to it taking some only a couple months to a year.
  • I gained A LOT of weight with all of my pregnancies. I was 15 with my first son and gained 85 pounds, 16 with my second son and gained about 60, 18 with my third pregnancy and gained 60 pounds with it. I technically didn't loose all of my weight with my third, I lost most of it. I weighed about 130ish when I got pregnant…
  • Thank you for your help. These are really good suggestions!
  • I am 5'4 and weigh 237 pounds. I have never had a weight issue before now, my original weight is 110 pounds. I have four kids and done really well loosing weight with all but my last one. That's why I have this weight to loose.
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