I feel horrible!!!

This is just my fourth day trying to eat better and lose weight and I feel HORRIBLE!! I have stopped drinking soda, stopped fast food, and have started counting calories and trying to eat better. I thought that I would feel better after stopping the bad stuff but I don't! I am so tired of being fat and miserable and I don't want to give up but its hard to stay positive when you feel so bad.


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Your body is craving the food you were previously eating. It's super common.

    Give it time, you will feel awesome soon!
  • Sandybran62
    Sounds like your body is going through a "withdrawal" from all the bad stuff its so used to. Give it some more time! You're bound to feel better soon! :)
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    If you open your food diary, there may be suggestions others can make to combat that feeling.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    This is just my fourth day trying to eat better and lose weight and I feel HORRIBLE!! I have stopped drinking soda, stopped fast food, and have started counting calories and trying to eat better. I thought that I would feel better after stopping the bad stuff but I don't! I am so tired of being fat and miserable and I don't want to give up but its hard to stay positive when you feel so bad.
    Describe "trying to eat better".... :tongue:

    Seriously though - what is your calorie goal and are you meeting it? What sorts of foods are you eating now? Are you drinking plenty of water?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If you open your food diary, there may be suggestions others can make to combat that feeling.

    I agree. If you're comfortable opening your diary we might be able to provide more specific suggestions to help. You can do this by going to Settings > Diary Settings > Public and then Save Changes.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    youre going to feel horrible for a while - think of it as "detoxing" you're not used to not having the extra sugar etc. It will get better - promise! then you'll feel great. Just gotta tough it out for the time being :-/
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Hang in there. I went through that too. Have some easily digested foods like brown rice, banana, broth.
  • daniellerigsby9
    This is just my fourth day trying to eat better and lose weight and I feel HORRIBLE!! I have stopped drinking soda, stopped fast food, and have started counting calories and trying to eat better. I thought that I would feel better after stopping the bad stuff but I don't! I am so tired of being fat and miserable and I don't want to give up but its hard to stay positive when you feel so bad.
    Describe "trying to eat better".... :tongue:

    Seriously though - what is your calorie goal and are you meeting it? What sorts of foods are you eating now? Are you drinking plenty of water?

    Typical day before: Breakfast #1 - honeybun (pure laziness)
    Breakfast #2- left over slice of pizza
    lunch- lean cuisine
    snack- varied nothing healthy though
    dinner- spaghetti w/ 1 slice of garlic bread
    snack before bed- something else unhealthy
    I didn't eat a lot just really bad choices.

    So far since I have tried eating better I will have: Breakfast #1- lite peaches w/ low fat cottage cheese
    Breakfast #2 2 pieces of turkey bacon, 1 slice of wheat toast , and 1 serving of t egg beaters
    snack- vanilla greek yogurt
    lunch- 2 grilled chicken strips, carrots, broccoli
    dinner- grilled chicken, veggies
    snack- special k cereal w/2 % milk
    and I drink water all day. Around 6-8 glasses a day. I am trying to eat around 1200 calories a day.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    well it takes time.
    do not expect miracles.
    you have to work hard.
  • It's normal to feel like this at the beginning (even it the beginning can seem to last a bit :) ) Anyway it's when you need to stay strong and positive and think of yourself looking slim and gorgeous. that horrible feeling will go away.
    Stay strong x
  • ljs385
    ljs385 Posts: 44 Member
    Perhaps it's too many changes at once, so begins to feel more like a punishment.

    Why not make one small change (cut out the soda?) then gradually start to change other things as well. I cut coke out of my diet and it's been a couple of weeks, so my new goal is to use less salt on my food.

    Small steps at a time, it's a lifestyle change remember, not some fad.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Last year when I tried a short-lived low-carb diet, I felt exhausted when I stopped eating so many carbs. I read that when you eat lots of simple carbs, your body slowly loses it's ability to convert non-carbs to energy very well because you are constantly feeding it simple carbs which is fast energy. In time your body will start to convert your healthier food to energy but you may feel tired this week and next - if that is what is happening.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Withdrawal sucks. Stick with it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It's probably mostly from dropping the soda. Sugar/caffeine withdrawal. This should subside in a few days.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Your body is craving the food you were previously eating. It's super common.

    Give it time, you will feel awesome soon!

    ^ This
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    This is just my fourth day trying to eat better and lose weight and I feel HORRIBLE!! I have stopped drinking soda, stopped fast food, and have started counting calories and trying to eat better. I thought that I would feel better after stopping the bad stuff but I don't! I am so tired of being fat and miserable and I don't want to give up but its hard to stay positive when you feel so bad.
    Describe "trying to eat better".... :tongue:

    Seriously though - what is your calorie goal and are you meeting it? What sorts of foods are you eating now? Are you drinking plenty of water?

    Typical day before: Breakfast #1 - honeybun (pure laziness)
    Breakfast #2- left over slice of pizza
    lunch- lean cuisine
    snack- varied nothing healthy though
    dinner- spaghetti w/ 1 slice of garlic bread
    snack before bed- something else unhealthy
    I didn't eat a lot just really bad choices.

    So far since I have tried eating better I will have: Breakfast #1- lite peaches w/ low fat cottage cheese
    Breakfast #2 2 pieces of turkey bacon, 1 slice of wheat toast , and 1 serving of t egg beaters
    snack- vanilla greek yogurt
    lunch- 2 grilled chicken strips, carrots, broccoli
    dinner- grilled chicken, veggies
    snack- special k cereal w/2 % milk
    and I drink water all day. Around 6-8 glasses a day. I am trying to eat around 1200 calories a day.

    Why 1200?

    And, it's day four. You need to give it more time.
  • daniellerigsby9
    This is just my fourth day trying to eat better and lose weight and I feel HORRIBLE!! I have stopped drinking soda, stopped fast food, and have started counting calories and trying to eat better. I thought that I would feel better after stopping the bad stuff but I don't! I am so tired of being fat and miserable and I don't want to give up but its hard to stay positive when you feel so bad.
    Describe "trying to eat better".... :tongue:

    Seriously though - what is your calorie goal and are you meeting it? What sorts of foods are you eating now? Are you drinking plenty of water?

    Typical day before: Breakfast #1 - honeybun (pure laziness)
    Breakfast #2- left over slice of pizza
    lunch- lean cuisine
    snack- varied nothing healthy though
    dinner- spaghetti w/ 1 slice of garlic bread
    snack before bed- something else unhealthy
    I didn't eat a lot just really bad choices.

    So far since I have tried eating better I will have: Breakfast #1- lite peaches w/ low fat cottage cheese
    Breakfast #2 2 pieces of turkey bacon, 1 slice of wheat toast , and 1 serving of t egg beaters
    snack- vanilla greek yogurt
    lunch- 2 grilled chicken strips, carrots, broccoli
    dinner- grilled chicken, veggies
    snack- special k cereal w/2 % milk
    and I drink water all day. Around 6-8 glasses a day. I am trying to eat around 1200 calories a day.

    Why 1200?

    And, it's day four. You need to give it more time.

    I am eating 1200 because that is what MFP and other sites say I need to eat to lose 2 pounds a week. I really want to lose the weight as fast as possible.
  • brandi712
    brandi712 Posts: 407 Member
    I felt that way too. So I added some of the "bad" stuff back but made sure it fit into my daily intake, Then I slowly weaned myself off
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    This is just my fourth day trying to eat better and lose weight and I feel HORRIBLE!! I have stopped drinking soda, stopped fast food, and have started counting calories and trying to eat better. I thought that I would feel better after stopping the bad stuff but I don't! I am so tired of being fat and miserable and I don't want to give up but its hard to stay positive when you feel so bad.
    Describe "trying to eat better".... :tongue:

    Seriously though - what is your calorie goal and are you meeting it? What sorts of foods are you eating now? Are you drinking plenty of water?

    Typical day before: Breakfast #1 - honeybun (pure laziness)
    Breakfast #2- left over slice of pizza
    lunch- lean cuisine
    snack- varied nothing healthy though
    dinner- spaghetti w/ 1 slice of garlic bread
    snack before bed- something else unhealthy
    I didn't eat a lot just really bad choices.

    So far since I have tried eating better I will have: Breakfast #1- lite peaches w/ low fat cottage cheese
    Breakfast #2 2 pieces of turkey bacon, 1 slice of wheat toast , and 1 serving of t egg beaters
    snack- vanilla greek yogurt
    lunch- 2 grilled chicken strips, carrots, broccoli
    dinner- grilled chicken, veggies
    snack- special k cereal w/2 % milk
    and I drink water all day. Around 6-8 glasses a day. I am trying to eat around 1200 calories a day.

    Why 1200?

    And, it's day four. You need to give it more time.

    I am eating 1200 because that is what MFP and other sites say I need to eat to lose 2 pounds a week. I really want to lose the weight as fast as possible.

    Losing it as fast as possible hasn't been sustainable for you thus far, though.

    How much do you have to lose? How tall are you?
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Give it some time. Your body isn't used to all of the changes.