jeniireland Member


  • This is so true, my bf thought I wasn't working out hard enough as I don't sweat, until he saw my heart rate which was in the cardio training zone. His heart rate on the other hand was working at fat burning zone and he was sweating enough to look like he just stepped out of the shower lol It just varies person to person.…
  • Hi Carrie, I wouldn't worry, I work out like a demon too and I don't sweat. I lived for a long time in the Caribbean, everyone around me would be sweating buckets and I looked like I just stepped out of an air-conditioned room, I don't even turn pink. My Dad doesn't sweat much either, I understand there's a condition…
  • I'm 5ft 5 and was trying to figure this out a while ago. I found online that the ideal weight is 125lb, which I am not :S