Don't sweat

I have a question. It doesn't matter whether I go to the gym, or if I am running on the trails or hiking, I hardly break a sweat. I might sweat just a little bit on my nose and just under my hairline. I can push myself to the point of breaking and I still don't sweat. Even when the temperature is extremely high outside, I get hot but I don't actually sweat. I have a hypethyroid which I am medicine to slow down my thyroid. Does anyone have any ideas what would cause me not to sweat because it makes me feel like i'm not being effective in my workouts if I'm not sweating.


  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Go by heart rate instead of sweat....some people's sweat glads are under active and some are over active. If your heart rate is up, you are getting the exercise you your body becomes conditioned, the same exercise wont put as much strain on your body and the heart rate will go down...that is when you up the intensity.

    All sweat does is lower water if you workout hard and sweat a'll notice short term weight loss....but its all water and salt.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I think you get more effective at sweating as you lose weight and get in better shape. When I was at my heaviest I didn't sweat much either. Now, I'm dripping and have puddles on the ground after about 15 minutes (even when it's cold outside).

    Sweat is meant to regulate body temperature so if you don't sweat you don't cool down. Please make sure you don't overheat during your workouts - listen to what your body tells you.
  • bellydancer124
    I'm the same way. I don't really sweat either, not even when it's boiling hot outside. My heart rate gets up there when I'm working out though, I know that much lol.
  • jeniireland
    jeniireland Posts: 5 Member
    Tilran wrote: »
    Go by heart rate instead of sweat....some people's sweat glads are under active and some are over active. If your heart rate is up, you are getting the exercise you your body becomes conditioned, the same exercise wont put as much strain on your body and the heart rate will go down...that is when you up the intensity.

    All sweat does is lower water if you workout hard and sweat a'll notice short term weight loss....but its all water and salt.

    This is so true, my bf thought I wasn't working out hard enough as I don't sweat, until he saw my heart rate which was in the cardio training zone. His heart rate on the other hand was working at fat burning zone and he was sweating enough to look like he just stepped out of the shower lol It just varies person to person. When it's 90F outside he will sweat just as hard and I'll be feeling hot but will probably not break a sweat. I wouldn't worry too much as long as you're working your butt off :)
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yeah me too, at first I didn't sweat no matter how intense my workout. Then just one day I was done with my workout, (didn't feel like i was sweating) sat down for a moment, then I felt the sweat droplets run down my arms and the rest of my body. I literally started freaking out cuz that had never happened to me. :blush: