KathryneJY Member


  • I almost always take the same thing for lunch every day. Salad with a home made vinaigrette. I add a peice of cheese, artichoke hearts (water packed), and 100-200g some sort of protien like cooked shrimp, roasted chicken or last nights leftover steak sliced up. I accompany it with cut veggies and chery tomatoes. If I am…
  • Your 40s will be great! Mine are so far. I learned to scuba dive when I turned 40. Get out there and live like you never have before!
  • I am pretty forthright with my fitness goals, so people don't mind commenting. Because I make a point of walking every day at work, and come back all sweaty, people know I'm on my journey. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago (50 lbs) and people didn't start noticing it until I hit 25-30 lbs lost. When you're big like…
  • 800 might be close, but I don't know your weight. Plus I am a woman, but here's what my burns are on those activities based on my profile and weight. I use a HRM. Now, as a guy you probably burn at a higher rate and it all depends on your intensity, but the cardio I do is at about 80% of max heart rate. Your routine is…
  • Based on my HRM, I do find that the MFP calorie burn estimates for lap swimming are overstated and I only ever log moderate effort which for me is 1000m in 25 mins. I average about 200 cals in 25 mins, which is about 20% less than MFP estimates. For my aquacize, I burn about 300 cals in 45 minutes, but the last 10 minutes…
  • As of today, an automobile tire!
  • I am 5'3", started at 210 lbs, and have dropped 19 in the last two months. I am a swimmer (3x week), I do aquacize (2x week), lift weight (3x a week) and mostly walk daily. My calories are about 1550 a day and I eat my exercise calories back because I couldn't live on nothing for my activity level. Here's what I suggest.…
  • Totally awesome! Congratulations! You look fantastic and are an inspiration to me.
  • Vancouver!
  • Swim harder. ;) [/quote] OK, I will! ;)
  • First let me start by saying I'm very sorry for your losses. Losing your parents must be so very difficult. I'm not sure that embarking on your weight loss journey in your current state of mind is the right thing for you. Depression is a complex beast, and if you can get some professional help for your depression, I would…
  • Do not give them the power to control how you feel about yourself. You can lose weight. Those jerks will be jerks forever. This isn't about them, it's about you, and only you have control over your life. Do not hand that control to some idiot who has nothing but drive-by slurs to make them feel better. You made the…
  • Ah, but I do that too! 750-1000m before my class. For me, 20 mins of breast stroke will burn only about 150 cals, at least according to my HRM. Plus I do a 2000m swim on Sundays. Jus because I go to aquacize class, doesn't mean I don't swim! :)
  • I hate the old guy who shows up on Sunday mornings and walks slowly across all lanes IN THE MIDDLE, right over to the fast lane where he walks half the lane and nearly drowns swimming the other half - especially when there are three competitive swimmers in the lane. I hate that those competitive swimmers join my lane and…
  • Of course it doesn't. But by volume it does, which I think is what the other posters are trying to say may explain why the OP doesn't "look" 170 lbs. As stated, perhaps it is a misnomer, but did you honestly believe that what everyone was intending to say is that a pound of muscle is heavier than a pound of fat? I didn't…
  • I like to cook and I like a big dinner, so my breakfast and lunch are only about a third of may daily calories. The rest gets blown on dinner, and generally a lot of those calories is wine! I love me some wine. :)
  • It would because it is based on steps. A fast pace would register steps quicker than a slow pace. So assuming you were walking at a leisurely pace, your gait, or time between steps would result in a lower calorie burn. I walk daily for about 40-60 minutes and I use a pedometer on my iphone. Today my walk was slower because…
  • If it were me, I'd order a burger, no cheese (unless it's real, and not processed cheese food) and don't eat the bun. Skip the ketchup. Have lettuce and tomato on it. Skip the fries and have a salad instead (with a vinaigrette or no dressing). If the chicken burger isn't breaded, go for that. A lot of places like this are…
  • I'm sorry to hear baout your food relationship problems in the past. I'm glad you have overcome it. I am a beliver in low carb and it can be beneficial. However, when I did it a few years ago, it changed my relationship with food to an unhealthy one. I obsessed over carb counts and peeing on the ketone strip. I couldn't…
  • For someone your size, your water weight won't be much. It sounds like 3lbs is about right. Also, your weigtht loss will be slower than someone who has a lot to lose. It might take you 10 or more weeks to lose 15 lbs with focus on diet and exercise. Your body doesn't have a lot of fat to draw on for energy, so be very…
  • 1. I have performed stand-up comedy in a packed comedy club. 2. I learned to scuba dive at age 40 3. I want to dive with a Great White Shark 4. I sometimes go kayaking for more than a week at at time (camping, fishing,etc.) 5. I own two fancy show cats (abyssininans)
  • Amazing! You must feel great!
  • Did you know that withdrawal from food addiction can do screwy things to your emotions? Do you know how awesome you are today? Do you know that this episode could be your turning point? A story: I was eating dinner with my husband a few weeks ago. We were having steak, but they were quite big and before I even put them on…
  • I prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner from scratch most days, though I do like to go out for lunch with my husband on Fridays, so don't judge by today's lunch menu! For me, it's quite simple. A good chunk of protien (chicken, fish, pork, steak, eggs, or greek yogurt depending on the meal) surrounded by healthy fats, fruits…
  • Thanks again. I am thinking about the extra rest day, though my Sundays are pretty light. I try to walk daily as well. I try to listen to my body, and sometimes I just want to go do something! I'm going to ponder that one. Thanks for the feedback!
  • Thanks so much for the feedback and encouragement. :)
  • I'll meet you there! I need dive buddies!
  • Thanks for your reply, Grant. Not to be obnoxious, but *BUMP*
  • Congratulations and happy birthday! You gave yourself the best gift of all! Now start working on next years!
  • Oh, and I could use more friends!