

  • I feel the same today, yesterday was the first day and I did wonder if it was going to make any difference as I didn't feel uncomfortable at all! Today is a different story and everything hurts! I'm still planning on completing my second day, or as least having a good go at it. I may do some Zumba to loosen up a bit first…
  • Thanks everyone, I think I sorted it! I will put things into the database....once I figure out how! (I'm a newbie :))
  • I'm starting today, good luck!
  • Thanks everyone :). I really need to do this, I can't cope with a another summer covering up and being depressed, especially with a holiday to Ireland planned. I haven't figured out how to add friends as yet, but feel free to add me.
  • This really sounds like the motivation I need to to get a kick start! I already have the dvd and have tried it a few times but never stuck to it. It's going to be difficult to fit it in in a fortnights time with work but at least for this first two weeks I have no excuses! Can I join please?
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