elsdonward Member


  • When Jason made his way across the wine dark sea - he was sustained by wine Wine was the measure of the people. We just do not pay homage to it now. But we should - because it is one of the things we should live for. It helps us to enjoy life and also to party - which is important for any young man or woman. We need…
  • A research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association produced a report by the Board of the Institute of Medicine to determine optimal intake of the macronutrients protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Regarding protein intake, they determined the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for those 18 years of…
  • In the picture above the dessert is called a creme caramel in the UK
  • That saying about the tosser is typically Brit - and still hilarious to me. If we go on like this eventually we will be unable to tell the mericans from the brits - we will just be running around like a load of old gadgies
  • Right - Snap on the age and also the problem. I got a very accurate scale - that helped but it also shows me that I am sticking. So what to do Well a aclifornian friend noticed that I was not drinking enough water so now 8 to 10 glasses per day. Also there is a great school of thought that says that you need to eat carbs…
  • By the way, the elephant is a large animal with very great ivory tusks. It drinks water and eats carbs - that is all it eats and I dont see any fat elephants around Do You? You can find most of the enzymes and vitamins you need in the humble potato - which is the storehouse of the plant. Have a look around Asia to see how…
  • Just got to tell you that it is scientifically proven that carbs are part of the human diet. Carbs give us energy. There are a mimimum amount of carbs needed daily to maintain health. There is no point in being skinny and ill. Without carbs you will eventually die so keep on with the vegetables if you want to stay well. So…
  • I know that this is breaking your heart. But it is the reason why people give up so do not give up. Check your portion sizes carefully because it is simply calories in calories out. I still believe this even though I like you cannot get it off right now
  • A couple of years ago I went to a specialist with a similar complaint - and straight away he told me that my hamstrings were too tight - he made mestretch up and down with my foot every night and morning - do lots of lower leg stretches to free off your sinews and also take a small can and roll each foot backwards and…
  • In defense of the starch based diet - I believe that it is the secret to longetivity, and it cures cardiovascular problems caused by cholesterol, added hormones, bovine viruses, ingestion of antibiotics, other food additives and so on. I did this diet for eight months because I saw the proof. It also means that you lose…
  • Yes right on - a resource based economy - across the world would be the next step. If you worked - you would work where you wanted to because it would be what you are good at. No wages to draw - but no need for them - if you nhjeed something just go and get it from the pool. Why not - no crime, no war, no need, no hunger…
  • Terribly sad - please keep trying and perhaps a real person will turn up. They must be out there somewhere
  • A research study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association produced a report by the Board of the Institute of Medicine to determine optimal intake of the macronutrients protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Regarding protein intake, they determined the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for those 18 years of…
  • Because you are having health problems - as opposed to fitness problems - then right now at this stage you may consider looking at the food that you are eating. You should never go below your calorie maintenance level for a start. but if you are eating real foods you will have some leeway. Concentrate on real and whole…
  • Look - you are just getting back into this. You need to do two things You need to find out how many junk foods you can limit - or find alternatives to them. Firstly diet drinks contain sweeteners which interfere with your metabolism. If you crash on water it tastes boring to start with - but is just the ticket after a…
  • There is no such thing as carb sensitivity. You need carbs like eveybody else. But you need good carbs - not rubbish. You need starches like potatoes and rice. These do not make the chinese or bolivians fat until they come over to the west and try our junk foods. If you stop eating carbs you will go into ketosis and make…
  • Are you avoiding products with artificial sweeteners? Our parents never gained - they just had sugar, and most products they ate just did not have stealthily added sugar. Stop having diet drinks because they actually alter your perception of sweetness and also do something to make your midriff swell. Drink coffee - what is…
  • Saltines - that takes me back In the UK we used to have these but the name was not politically correct fro us and now I cant find them any more!!
  • Trust you spacehopper. But you are right porridge is the true one and after it you can toss the caber
  • You can lose by eating junk. Anorexia is similar You can lose by starving yourself. But if you want your body to heal and recover whilst you are losing then you also have to really focus upon what you are eating - and choose real foods, real drinks and real places to go instead of taco bell of burger king - come on now -…
  • Well - I truly believe that the diet drinks can cause bloating. I stopped drinking it about three months ago. I am not saying that this is evident - but at the moment with a good scale - proper control of portion sizes and avoiding junk wherever possible plus walkiing I am losing an average of one pound per day!! And I am…
  • You are correct But it is a culture thing. When I was a student in London ,many years ago we started in the afternoon bar - and sometimes never stopped until three in the morning where we often had to walk home shnockered. I am not proud of this - it just seemed to be something we could not get out of at the time. I am…
  • If you cannot track your calories - suggest you watch the type of food that you eat - avoiding greasy or fatty foods, junk and processed foods and artificial sweeteners. Also reduce dairy and butter/cheese products - no pastries, cakes, crisps etc - find really lightweight alternatives. Make sure that you fuel up on…
  • Just a short note on Ketosis. A process of weight loss by making you ILL,. A must to avoid. There is no doubt that it works - you will lose weight by forcing your body process and denying an essential part of your healthy requirements. There is also no doubt that it does harm to the cardiovascular system in the longer…
  • I will never criticise you. I just wanted to tell you that in my opinion 900 calories is ok - not very low. I would say that 700 calories is what I would deem to be a fasting level. The best way to come back into the world is to establish your calorific maintenance level - that I would estimate to be about 1300 - 1400…
  • Not a Disaster - a few sausages pouff!! This what you have to know You have to know your calorific maintenance level - you can work this out via any number of free programmes. Then you have to have a reliable scales. Then you have to realise than on any given day your weight can fluctuate by as much as four pounds. Then…
  • Yes You can walk - walking will burn calories and also strengthen your legs and back. It is your only weapon right now. Do not confuse your injury with food intake. Calories out - calories in definitely works. You must find your maintenance level then make sure that you are under this each day. The depression is making you…
  • It is harder for some than for others If you keep going even whilst demotivated - you body will not be able to stand it. I am like you and eternally struggle. Yesterday I bought a new scales - and guess what four pounds heavier. But I must keep going. You must not go on a low carb diet because this makes you lose weight…
  • Look you may consider the health aspect. Protein in meats carries hormones and anti biotics - and cholestrol. It is bad for you Protein in shakes - is ok and as pure as steak Protein in nuts is the best - but in sparing amounts. Starch is good- rice and potatoes Vegetables and fruits can be eaten endlessly Do not eat much…
  • You need to think clearly about this. For an older person who is sedentary, walking is exercise no matter how many minutes. If you sat in front of your laptop all day you would not be burning as many calories as you would if you were walking around. Therefore for normal walking around the house why bother logging it - but…