elsdonward Member


  • Well Barbara - I think that you should forget about the fact that you drink perhaps four times per year. Life is for living after all - and you may be attaching too much importance to it. Yes you have a blowout when you drink - but hey why not? Another thing is that you have got rid of smoking. This is probably one of your…
  • Well let me just say this. In my country we used to go around and if we needed to know anything we just asked people for advice. Then somewhere between the seventies and the eighties some bright sparks appeared who started saying that giving advice was wrong. In fact in the end people were victimised for giving the wrong…
  • Hi You are getting some good advice on here from good people. This fitnesspal thing is not just about losing weight - but it is also about you and your life as much as anything. I will tell you a story. When I was about 25 my marriage broke up - and I ran back to Mom and hid from the world. I was fat. Then one day my…
  • Hi There usually is only one answer - that is that even though you think that you are building a calorie deficit - you are actually eating more calories. What you need to do is carefully assess your diet and see what you can do to make your food choices better. Cut out any overburden of junk foods, sugary drinks, fruit…
  • Paleo - this term is really misplaced. Whilst there is no doubt that there are advantages in choosing fresh fruits and lean meats - you must think back to the paleolithic times. There was no additives in their foods whatsoever. If you go back and give a paleo a fresh chicken breast the chemicals and hormones would…
  • Keila You cannot because the body geie prevents us from seeing us as we are. This is a gift that we have which stops us worrying as we get older. But it also stops you from noticing yourself getting bigger. Don't worry - others will see you for what you are 30 pounds lighter - and will be jealous that you have defeated the…
  • This is a surprisingly enlightened statement from a young person. It shows that you have seen through to the reality of where we are in the living moment, where all of the poor decisions you made are around you. And then you have the job to be re-born for the rest of your life - or else give in to the excuses, the stories,…
  • And here at last - an enlightened person - hence the great weight loss whilst staying on healthy food. People should take note and listen
  • Come on !!! There is no low carb vegetarian diet!!. There is a starch diet but you must not exclude natural carbohydrates!! Just lay off pasta, bread and other man made carbs and eat wholesome complex carbs - plenty of rice and potatoes. You cannot exclude those. Your ancestors thrived on them for thousands of years!!
  • sorry - I just find it amazing how many experts there are but how none of them agree. It is not just what you eat but what it can do to you. If you are talking meat / fish- you have cholestrol, additives and extra hormones and antibiotics to worry about If you are talking dairy you may have bovine viruses / antibiotics to…
  • Liquorice is actually good for you. How about you buy the bag - then split it into four. Eat one quarter every other day. If you eat it every day in your current state you could blow your motivation. It does not matter about the calories - as long as you are under your calorie level you will be fine. Stop obsessing and…
  • Hi I do not understand you going into a class. I realise that on some continents you cannot go out and walk on your own. This is a real pity if that is thecase. I could hardly walk two months ago but now I am walking well and everything is starting to go my way. You could get second hand steps and cycles - and also get…
  • I REALLY HAVE TO REPLY TO THIS By going onto the Atkins diet you are switching to Ketogenics to lose weight. This just makes you - ill again. You cannot lose water it is health essential. You must drink your six to eight each day. Your body must work properly to lose weight. Lots of things stop you losing weight. I found…
  • Hi Mutant Where I come from sandwiches consist of three thing s- bread, filling, butter or spread. Whilst I agree that if you are buying sandwiches you cannot see the junk they paste into them to make them stay on the shelves - the humble sandwich must not be maligned. It is a quick and easy way to fuel your body with…
  • No - I suppose that you can eat other foods to fill you up. Eventually though your body will suffer because you need enzymes and these are found in whole foods. If you think of it as choices - only have the filler food when you are out and about with people. At home make yourself eat those good choices that you talked…
  • I walk because it is free. There were no treadmills, Gyms, racetracks or theme parks in prehistoric times SO WALKING WAS THE THING. Running was the thing you did to avoid getting eaten. Whilst I am walking no-one comes up to me and asks me if I want to go for the special 'old farts club' rate of four quid a session whilst…
  • Actually you can compare those things to a patch when giving up smoking - a prop which has been produced by opportunists. And whether they work or help is very doubtful. Protein shakes are very pure in protein - but what other rubbish do they have in them? Ugh!!!
  • Sorry about that angry young woman who wants alcohol. I have just had a three week plateau - where I did not give up and suddenly three pounds melted away. So if you have a proper scale you need not be afraid to weigh and you will see your weight wondering up and down two and a half pounds or so. If you do not do it it…
  • Bacon is not a whole food - it is cured pork with salt and smoke added. Sardines are a whole food Vegetables are whole foods Avocados are whole foods etc, etc, etc
  • no they have not peanut butter processed, peanuts whole!!
  • You may find that reducing carbs feels right for you at first. But the body definitely needs carbs because we are designed to eat them. If you are depriving your body, then you are running on an imbalance. Ketogenic diets force the body to react in a different way, technically you are making yourself ill to lose weight. In…
  • right - the pop you were drinking was the worse thing you ever did. Do not even drink juice as it is sugar water. It will take a small amount of time to get over the soft drink metabolic effect helped by water - Try porridge and honey each morning if you like substitute with meusli. Lunch have natural carbs and natural…
  • I get it - this was a chance to get your small pic of yourself on Right? Come on - there are no sugarphobes they do not exist have you seen one??? How can you tell one is out there Most aliens know that sugars are different - ref honey, molasses, raw cane etc = and what makes them different is their natural qualities You…
  • The fat in an Avocado is full of enzymes which promote wellbeing in our body. It is the closest that you can come to the food of the gods. Eat all of it - it matters not because it is natural, vital and super for you
  • Also sugar in its raw state and in its natural forms are not harmful. They are more slow release so do not cause the spikes. But hey you can eat as many carrots as you want - just make the distinction between natural and processed sources. Also do not have any sweeteners whatsoever - they destroy your sense of sweetness
  • Your'e avin a larf a minute
  • Don't believe all the labels you read. P'raps you will turn into a girl after eating them. get yourself some lager to correct the spell
  • there is nothing wrong with sugar in moderation - then just use raw cane sugar nothing processed. Fruit juices from concentrate are basically sugar water and all processed food have too much of it and if it is corn syrup then that is definitely bad for you. Molassess,or honey are good . do not have any diet drinks with…
  • Ok I am like you so here are some ideas AMOUNT OF CALORIE YOU ARE EATING - FINE AS LONG AS YOUR PORTION SIZES ARE CORRECT ARE YOU DRINKING WATER?Need 8 glasses a day Just eat good carbs - rice potatoes veg. Keep off sauces gravies and oils Eat a proportional mix of lean protein and carbs each time - make it the complex…