I need to quit drinking to get healthy!



  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    Well Barbara - I think that you should forget about the fact that you drink perhaps four times per year. Life is for living after all - and you may be attaching too much importance to it. Yes you have a blowout when you drink - but hey why not?

    Another thing is that you have got rid of smoking. This is probably one of your best achievements - why don't you stop calling yourself an ex smoker and forgive yourself. You deserve to put that behind you.

    Fill your life with good things - flowers, perfume, good real food and healthy drinks. When you get fed up - have a drink - so what!!
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Hello, has no one mentioned that if you are diabetic your blood sugar and insulin are out of whack? And you should be trying to control them through what you eat? That is, by eating low carb/Atkins/keto? Once you get the insulin down to normal, you will be in better shape to lose weight.
    A few of the gazillions sites out there to guide you:

    Good luck.
  • lambchoplewis
    Day 5 no wine. Feeling great. Sleeping much better. Yes, I still wish for a glass (bottle) of wine around 4-6PM. I had to take a bath and go to bed early yesterday. I can do this. The bloat is gone and I am exercising.

    Nothing (even wine) tastes as good as thin feels!!! (if I say this enough I will believe it - I hope)
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!

    Are you for real? I'm trying to help you. Yes, I'm not perfect but my body is looking pretty lean and strong. You can check out the pictures from the mudder if you like. If you bothered to read my post at all, you would have read that I lift heavy AND I do cardio.

    Also, just a quick edit to add. Sarah eats at a deficit. There are two ways to create a deficit. Eat less....or move more.

    I was suggesting you move more since you don't want to log regularly and you have a tendency to go over. Hence, add some cardio. Weight lifting, while awesome, does not burn as many calories as you would think - and certainly not as many as you are going over.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Honestly, Barbara, what is boils down to is hard work.

    When you go to McD's for dinner, are you working hard? No
    When you choose not to log, are you working hard? No
    When you are strolling around the block with your 2 year old and calling it exercise, are you working hard? Yes! Walking fast with the stroller/sometimes jogging. If no stroller, im chasing him so he doesn't run away and get onto the road.
    When you are sitting at a desk for 8 hours, are you working hard? No
    Is an hour and a half of Badmitton a week really working hard? I do it because i enjoy it. If it was everyday of the week, i would totally be there.
    I'd also like to ad that i do StrongLifts 3 times and week and that it hard EVERYTIME, Espeically those squats!

    Losing weight, getting fit, reaching goals...ANY GOAL...requires hard work. If it isn't hard, you aren't doing it right.

    1. I have a hard time believing that walking with you son in a stroller is an intense workout. Sorry. Why not just chalk that up to a bonus and set aside some time to do actual cardio for yourself?

    2. Strong lifting does not burn nearly as much as you would think. An hour of CrossFit is only 375 calories and that's strong lift AND cardio. When I don't add the intense cardio element, it's in the 200s. That's not a lot, so I supplement my CrossFit with running 1-2 times per week. So CF 3-4 times/week, running 1-2 times per week. I noticed that when I started adding the running in regularly, I started dropping pounds in addition to cutting the inches.

    3. Unless you are running around the court like crazy for a prolonged period of time, Badmitton is not that cardio intensive. It just isn't. Tennis, on the other hand, will kick your butt.

    If you don't believe me, get an HRM. It will blow your mind.

    Okay, thanks Paige. So ur big on cardio for dropping pounds. May I ask if ur body looks lean and strong? Prob not. People can achieve AWESOME looking bodies with no cardio at all. Just healthy eating and lifting heavy. Look at Sarauk2sf 's profile. She looks A W E S O M E and doesnt do cardio. None. Zip. She even eats icecream everyday!

    Are you for real? I'm trying to help you. Yes, I'm not perfect but my body is looking pretty lean and strong. You can check out the pictures from the mudder if you like. If you bothered to read my post at all, you would have read that I lift heavy AND I do cardio.

    Also, just a quick edit to add. Sarah eats at a deficit. There are two ways to create a deficit. Eat less....or move more.

    I was suggesting you move more since you don't want to log regularly and you have a tendency to go over. Hence, add some cardio. Weight lifting, while awesome, does not burn as many calories as you would think - and certainly not as many as you are going over.

    Sorry i didn't relize u lifted heavy too. I just looked at the pic cuz i have no access to ur profile as were not mfp friends. I do appreciate ur help. I now understand ur last post. Im gonna continue to lift heavy but im gonna log more accurately and add some cardio just in case!
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member

    Ya eat more! That sounds like a good plan!!! WTF! With so many people telling me im going over way too much!!!

    People are saying be accurate with your logging and exercise...

    You do only need a small deficit when you only have a little fat loss left... So if you over estimate your calorie burn by 100 cals and under estimate your food by 100 cals there goes your deficit, no fat loss....
    But i shouldn't have to burn calories other than the minimal calories burned through heavy lifting 3 times a week. My badminton is just a bonus. It should just take a deficit and heavy lifting to lose weight/drop inches. What's this noise about must eat less and move more. Why? When Sara is living proof that i don't have to?

    Why the obsession with Sara? You have to do what works for you, not what works for her....

    Obsession? No. I just admire her.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Drop it.
    Follow all of the advice that has been given to you over and over and over and over again.