Fruit and sugar

I just started using this website on 10/6/13 (despite having registered for it ages ago) and am enjoying it very much. I am doing "okay" on food, at any rate I've made very good improvements compared to 10/5/13 and before.

One thing puzzles me: I rapidly use up my "sugar allotment" and go over it. I thought I was "fairly good" about watching what I eat, but if my daily allowance of sugar is any indicator, now I grumble at a serving of carrots due to how much sugar they have. Plain non-fat yogurt is a "glut" of sugar and fruit seems to be just out of the question.

But this leads me to the mathematical conclusion that "fruit is bad" due to how much sugar a serving of fresh fruit contains, on average.

Here are my questions:

1) Does this program steer you away from eating fresh fruit?

2) If your answer to 1) is yes, thank you, no further questions. If your answer is no, can you tell me what I might be doing "wrong" in terms of menu planning?

3) Should I just not worry about it and have one fruit per day since the fruit sugars = carbs anyway? Meaning worry more about the total carbs and cals and less about the sugar total?


  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    sugar is perhaps the least important metric in your food diary, assuming you aren't diabetic. I recommend focusing far more on total calories and protein. And remember that the MFP measurement for protein puts you "in the red" if you go over, but it's fine... and using the basic settings generally does not give you enough protein. MFP's recommendations aren't very good for anyone. Do some research and set your own.

    MFP is not weight watchers or something like it. It's just a tool for tracking your intake. Set your own goals, macros, etc. for the best results.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Personally I do not worry about "sugar" in whole foods like fruit. Whole, fresh fruit for me is unlimited quantity. What I do limit is white sugar, refined sugar of any kind, white flour, etc., the stuff you find in processed, pre-packaged food.
    I agree with joshdan -- "MFP ... is a tool for tracking your intake. Set your goals, macros, etc., [that best suits you] for best results."
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    I go over my sugar intake every single day, I'm sure. I haven't worried about it and it's worked for me!
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    sugar is perhaps the least important metric in your food diary, assuming you aren't diabetic. I recommend focusing far more on total calories and protein. And remember that the MFP measurement for protein puts you "in the red" if you go over, but it's fine... and using the basic settings generally does not give you enough protein. MFP's recommendations aren't very good for anyone. Do some research and set your own.

    MFP is not weight watchers or something like it. It's just a tool for tracking your intake. Set your own goals, macros, etc. for the best results.

    Thanks, that makes sense and was what I was hoping to hear on all counts!
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    Personally I do not worry about "sugar" in whole foods like fruit. Whole, fresh fruit for me is unlimited quantity. What I do limit is white sugar, refined sugar of any kind, white flour, etc., the stuff you find in processed, pre-packaged food.
    I agree with joshdan -- "MFP ... is a tool for tracking your intake. Set your goals, macros, etc., [that best suits you] for best results."

    That makes total sense to me, yeah I avoid the refined sugar completely, now I can enjoy my apples and pears without fretting about it.
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    I go over my sugar intake every single day, I'm sure. I haven't worried about it and it's worked for me!

    40 pounds lost, most definitely it has worked for you! Thanks, I'll just keep doing what I thought I am supposed to, which is use it as a guide, not a mantra.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    The MFP tools don't steer you away from anything. You eat what you want when you want within a calorie deficit according to how much you want to lose each week (and long-term). What food you eat is up to you, and no foods are good or bad.

    I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables but I eat little refined sugar. My body happens to react differently to refined sugar and natural sugar, though it's all really just sugar.
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member
    Also sugar in its raw state and in its natural forms are not harmful. They are more slow release so do not cause the spikes. But hey you can eat as many carrots as you want - just make the distinction between natural and processed sources.

    Also do not have any sweeteners whatsoever - they destroy your sense of sweetness
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    Also sugar in its raw state and in its natural forms are not harmful. They are more slow release so do not cause the spikes. But hey you can eat as many carrots as you want - just make the distinction between natural and processed sources.

    Also do not have any sweeteners whatsoever - they destroy your sense of sweetness

    Excellent, yeah I only like raw forms of sugar and raw fresh carrots anyhow, I'm gonna ignore the sugar counter thing and just eat healthy and sensibly.
  • emalinemartin
    emalinemartin Posts: 131 Member
    Fruit will not make you fat OR unhealthy. It just is not possible in any way, shape or form. Look at long term fruitarians eating as much fruit as they want in a day. Extremely LEAN & HEALTHY! Look up Dr. Doug Graham, Freelee, Durianrider, Mimi Kirk, Annette Larkins, Kristina Fully Raw, Chris Randall... need I say more?
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    Fruit will not make you fat OR unhealthy. It just is not possible in any way, shape or form. Look at long term fruitarians eating as much fruit as they want in a day. Extremely LEAN & HEALTHY! Look up Dr. Doug Graham, Freelee, Durianrider, Mimi Kirk, Annette Larkins, Kristina Fully Raw, Chris Randall... need I say more?
    unless you eat a lot of other food *and* a lot of fruit. fruit calories are not magic.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    Fruit should be magic :(
  • emalinemartin
    emalinemartin Posts: 131 Member
    Fruit will not make you fat OR unhealthy. It just is not possible in any way, shape or form. Look at long term fruitarians eating as much fruit as they want in a day. Extremely LEAN & HEALTHY! Look up Dr. Doug Graham, Freelee, Durianrider, Mimi Kirk, Annette Larkins, Kristina Fully Raw, Chris Randall... need I say more?
    unless you eat a lot of other food *and* a lot of fruit. fruit calories are not magic.

    Agree to the first part of that, but the next part not so much. Look up those people. I would be singing a different tune. Lol, they are magic IF USED PROPERLY
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    I stopped tracking sugar for this reason. Some days, the only sugar I would eat came from dairy and fruit, but I would still go WAY over. Don't eat too much fruit, because that fructose can really pack on the pounds. Just use your best judgement by not eating too many foods with ADDED sugars.
  • GBRhusker
    GBRhusker Posts: 32 Member
    Lot of great commentary, thanks to all. I started mfp August 6th, and went through a real eat-only-healthy-food kick. I started (at the advice of nutritionist) by doing a 3-day ketosis protein only phase. Very difficult for me. Then I delved into a balanced diet, balancing on a little bit of EVERY healthy food, including a lot of fruit. Seems I couldn't get enough of the stuff. I think you'll find it takes a lot of work, patience with yourself, and experimentation to arrive at a healthy balance of any kind, regardless of the ratios of macros you try. Sorry for the rambling, but here is the point: you are welcome to add me and look at my diary to see the change I've encountered in just 2 months. I've now settled on a 1500 cal target, 30% carb, 55% protein, 15% fat, 1500mg sodium, and 20g of sugar (shoot for 15 really). I also couldn't believe that a friggin cup of broccoli has 4g of sugar! I started this change today because I have been on my 1st plateau for a couple weeks. I think it's important to get your bf%, lbm%, and measurements done. I was starting to get dejected and was told my belly inches dropped (3), thighs grew, arms grew, etc. Mg current plan may not work long term, which is why I've decided to make small changes, re-evaluate, measure, research, and repeat. Hope this helps in some small way. Good luck!
  • emalinemartin
    emalinemartin Posts: 131 Member
    I stopped tracking sugar for this reason. Some days, the only sugar I would eat came from dairy and fruit, but I would still go WAY over. Don't eat too much fruit, because that fructose can really pack on the pounds. Just use your best judgement by not eating too many foods with ADDED sugars.

    Lol, I'm sorry. It's just comments like that make me giggle. Please see my above comment about the fruitarians. All those people living on thousands of calories of fruit per day are really "packing on the pounds" over years.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Fruit rocks! It should be magic, yes :) Please don't avoid fruit! But 80 calories is 80 calories, so don't ignore its calories, either.

    Most people can ignore the carbs. They are wrapped up all nicely to not spike your blood sugar, except for a very few exceptions.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Every morning I drink a very large cup of coffee with 2 tbls of sugar. Puts me 1 below my total allotted sugars for the day. I have been doing this longer than I can remember. I tried artificial sweeteners, tons of them, and they all had an after taste. Had this stopped me from losing weight, I would have adjusted it.

    I live in the south. We start drinking coffee from sippy cups.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    Fruit will not make you fat OR unhealthy. It just is not possible in any way, shape or form. Look at long term fruitarians eating as much fruit as they want in a day. Extremely LEAN & HEALTHY! Look up Dr. Doug Graham, Freelee, Durianrider, Mimi Kirk, Annette Larkins, Kristina Fully Raw, Chris Randall... need I say more?
    unless you eat a lot of other food *and* a lot of fruit. fruit calories are not magic.

    Agree to the first part of that, but the next part not so much. Look up those people. I would be singing a different tune. Lol, they are magic IF USED PROPERLY
    wait, so you honestly believe that the stuff coming from fruit is somehow different?

    FWIW, I did look up some of those people. Some are not fruitarians. And I couldn't find anything anywhere that says they eat "thousands of calories of fruit" every day.
  • emalinemartin
    emalinemartin Posts: 131 Member
    Fruit will not make you fat OR unhealthy. It just is not possible in any way, shape or form. Look at long term fruitarians eating as much fruit as they want in a day. Extremely LEAN & HEALTHY! Look up Dr. Doug Graham, Freelee, Durianrider, Mimi Kirk, Annette Larkins, Kristina Fully Raw, Chris Randall... need I say more?
    unless you eat a lot of other food *and* a lot of fruit. fruit calories are not magic.

    Agree to the first part of that, but the next part not so much. Look up those people. I would be singing a different tune. Lol, they are magic IF USED PROPERLY
    wait, so you honestly believe that the stuff coming from fruit is somehow different?

    FWIW, I did look up some of those people. Some are not fruitarians. And I couldn't find anything anywhere that says they eat "thousands of calories of fruit" every day.

    I believe it and I know it's true. I'm well on my way living up the high carb / sugar lifestyle!

    Freelee and Durainrider on YouTube for example... FWIW, take a look (her YouTube videos she uploads are well worth the watch) & (excuse the profanity lol)