kmash32 Member


  • Can't see your diary. Are you eating back any of your exercise calories? Are you tracking and weighing all your food and beverages? If you are not eating your exercise calories you probably are not eating enough. I know this sounds weird but it happens. The biggest thing you need to make sure is that you are weighing and…
  • This^^ I have gone over for the last two days by out 300 calories in total. What I have learned is that if you are constantly hard on yourself about such things you will give up. Just get back on track tomorrow.
  • I have a few friends that have either a blendtec or vitamin and they all love them. I am saving for one myself, I love the idea that you can throw everything in and make soups and cook them in it too.
  • Hi, I have about the same to lose. It is my third try and I am determined to stick with it this time. You can add me if you want, and my diary is open.
  • Depends on if they are currently an issue or just there. This is my second time with them and they have currently been there for about 5 years, they rarely bug me and I workout all the time.
  • Hi, I too have PCOS and no thyroid and no exactly how hard it can be to lose weight. This is my third time around and I am determined not to give up this time. You can add me if you like.
  • That stuff is just a punch of chemical crap, and as thorsmom said they all taste awful. I am not one of those eat no processed food people but if you look at the ingredients I don't think you would find anything real but salt.
  • I have the same problem as you, this is my third time around. Friend me if you want, maybe we can help keep each other on track. I have about 60 to lose.
  • Good for you, I am glad you are taking the advise of those that have done it to heart. That is what I am trying to do too as I have failed one to many times.
  • You can add me if you like, I am back for the third time and determined to stick with it this time.
    in Help!!! Comment by kmash32 January 2015
  • This^ I just started again and have lost 2.5 pounds in 3 days. I know this is mostly water weight. I have about 60 pounds to lose and this is my third go. Listen to what people are telling you. It is okay to have goals but set realistic ones. One of the reasons this is my third time is that I did what you are trying to do…
  • Hi, Yes hormones can play a big part in weight gain and the ability to lose weight. A lot of people on here will site the mantra it is all about calories in and calories out but as some one who has no thyroid (removed 10 years ago due to cancer) and also has PCOS (causes small cysts and some times larger ones on the…
  • Unless you are either diabetic or insulin resistant I wouldn't worry about it. Most people I know just try to make sure they aren't going over their number in added sugars and back out the natural sugars from fruits and veggies.
  • Hi OP As someone who has no thyroid and PCOS, I can say that trying to reduce my carbs has helped but I have lost weight in the past without this just by watching my calories. I do tend as much as possible to stay away from simple carbs however. My first thought though was have you had your vitamin D levels checked? Many…
  • Just remember that we all have bad days and if you are that concerned about it then eat a few hundred calories under maintenance over the next few days to make up for it. I know a lot of people on here that worry about there weekly deficient more than each individual day so maintenance would work the same. If your…
  • I think your doctor needs to update his knowledge, there have been a few recent studies over the last several years that state that lowering your sodium intake doesn't have as much of an effect on your blood pressure as they thought, that weight is far more important. Also the CDC says you only need to go as low as 1500 so…
  • So I am someone that has PCOS and insulin resistance and is trying to reduce my carbs. I see a registered dietician, endocrinologist and my own doctor who have said the same thing. "For the ordinary person if you are eating within your calorie limits for weight-loss then you have most likely already reduced your carbs to a…
  • Our family would cook them in the roaster with the turkey (not inside the turkey) and then feed them to the dogs. It adds some flavour to the turkey juice if you are going to make gravy.
  • No, it takes your body 6-8 hours to process most food whether you are sleeping or awake. The whole don't eat right before bed is an old theory that has been de-bunked over and over again. I personally try not to eat sweets or caffeine but that is because I find it disturbs my sleep not because I am afraid I will gain…
  • You can add me if you would like. I am just starting over this week again (don't want to think about how many times this is) after a heath scare that has kept me pretty restricted for about 4 months. Would love some people to motivate and push me, especially about exercising (even if my exercise is somewhat restricted).\
  • Hi Amber, I too suffer from PCOS, and until recently was studying and working full time (I have since graduated) I understand what you mean about finding the time but trying not to make it an excuse. I am just starting over again as I had some major health struggles recently that put me back at the beginning but I am…
  • Bump I would imagine the calories and macros would depend on your protein powder.
  • I can't see your diary, what is your date intake like? And I mean good fats like healthy oils, nuts, regular milk, coconut oil things like that. These all help to keep things moving easily down there. But don't drink the old juice, as someone else said go get a new bottle. Don't listen to whoever was talking about…
  • As someone who has PCOS and insulin resistance I agree with those that are saying you can still eat carbs. However if you find that you have done better with lower carbs in the past, maybe try mostly sticking to complex carbs and fruits and veggies, and keeping the less healthy carbs as an every so often treat. I am…
  • Thank you parkscs, for more eliquently putting my earlier point. Whenever I have posted a question regarding this or seen other peoples post on this type of topic, half the posts are exactly that "eat carbs they aren't bad" or "eat anything in moderation" even if I explain my medical issues a lot still rail against it. I…