

  • I'm sure plenty of people have weighed in on this. But take it from another former fatty - don't try and go extreme right off the bat. Just gradually clean up your diet. Start by dropping soda + chips (or insert favorite junk food here). You really need to take a sugar detox and just lay off heavily processed food for a…
  • I hope you're getting enough protein man. Losing weight that fast is probably approaching some very serious lean body mass loss as well as fat. AKA you're looking at more than half the weightloss being muscle loss. I generally don't trust the calorie counts (especially from this site as they are WAY way too generous. Your…
  • Working out is better than not working out :). So whichever one is easiest for you. Just make sure you eat after your workout (whey protein!)
  • careful with the artificial sweeteners. Truvia is a lot better than splenda/aspartame but there's no point doing em all if ya dont have to. Personally, I've learned to just get the "regular" non-fat latte with nothing else. It grows on ya, honest. At almost any chain they usually have a website with nutritional info:…
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