valarsen Member


  • Yesterday I failed to meet all my daily goals, but sometimes life gets in the way. So I am trying again: 1) Drink a gallon of water 2) Eat well, and log everything I eat I am keeping it simple because I know my boyfriend needs my help with homework when I get home from work, so I don't want to set myself up for failure.
  • I love this idea! Take it slow, one day at a time. Just for today, I willl... 1) Log everything I eat. 2) Do 20-30 minutes of cardio, even though I know I will hate it the entire time. 3) Hit my protein goal for the day. 4) Assume positive intent with everyone to stay in the great mood I've been in all week!!
  • Thank you so much! I was shocked when I saw. It's a nice reminder that the scale is just a number.
  • I am happy to have you both!!
  • Some of my favorites are @katyhearnfit @sarahbowmar @jazzypooo @mrswaltman‌ All these girls are super awesome and post lots of videos and workout tips. I am always looking for more people to ride along this journey with. If you want to follow me mine is @‌valarsen
  • Love this! I am adding you now. Other ladies, please add me if you want. I may do the same. I really have been looking for more active users & around my age group as well!
  • I think the idea behind no carbs after 6 is more relative. I think it's more within hours of bed. If I go to bed at 10pm every night, and don't eat carbs after 6 that's a 4 hour window. What do you think? Like if you go to bed at 8am every day you wouldn't eat carbs after 4am?
  • Great idea! Starting Weight - 150 12 Week Goal Weight - 135 Physical Goal - Be comfortable in a bikini, just in time for my birthday and vacation to Disneyland. Also, be able to squat two plates! Nutritional Goal - Hit my macros dead on every single day (minus cheat meal). Also, drink a gallon of water every single day!!!
  • Same here. I wouldn't say confidence was my issue though, more pizza. Haha. Definitely trying to do this the right way this time. Happy to lend a supportive hand.
  • I am in the same boat. Been struggling with this for long enough. It's time to pull it together and make the changes we want!! I would love some additional support and people to talk with about reaching our goals. I will add you guys and we can all motivate each other!
  • Start weight (Today) 151.2 Goal weight for challenge: 130 Ultimate goal: 130ish of mostly muscle!
  • Would love the support and to help each other out. I have used this app for a long time, but it almost feels sad when I have no one to show my successes to.