Most peeps in the gym are busy doing their own thing and wouldn't think to look twice. But if you do need more encouragement, feel pleased that you're working it in the gym and working it harder than everyone who is still in bed! Go, go, go!
Rachel, something I always mean to do is jog/squats/lunges/crunches/whatever throughout every commercial break.
Totally gonna try this tomorrow! Brilliant!
Ooh tasty, I am also interested in suggestions!
I have never done 5:2 so I can't comment on that, but I am a grazer so tend to eat smaller amounts throughout the day. I try to structure it so the snacking doesn't run away with me! I have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack, such as fruit, nuts, oatcakes, quorn pieces, yogurt, to keep…
Hey HeartsOnFire, still working my way through your list of links - thanks so much!! :)
Really very rarely at the moment. I started four or five years ago and could run no further than a block. Eventually I started Park Run 5ks, did a couple of 10ks and made an awful attempt at a half marathon in April. I have not run a step since the half marathon!! Good work on bulking with greens, my sister swears by it.…
Hey! I'm an incredibly reluctant runner and I'm guilty of the same. Love all of the tasty stuff :) I'm trying (trying!) to start filling myself with the right fuels and seeing treats as treats rather than exercise rewards.
Eek... What have I started?!
OP, I get exactly the same thing. I'm becoming increasingly jiggly and getting too big for my jeans. I don't particularly love how I look right now and that isn't a nice feeling. HOWEVER, as soon as I hear a cork popped, or smell a cooked pizza, or stray into the chocolate biscuit aisle, I'm like "Well, I'm not THAT bad,…
Hurray for the nacho love!!!!!! Thanks for all the replies :) Tash... can you share your secret recipe for guilt-free nachos?! (Also, terrible joke, I loved it!)