SmallDeckofCards Member


  • Me too. Diagnosed as a teenager. My mom and I both have it, so we've helped each other a lot. Feel free to add. It's important to have support!
  • I was diagnosed when I was 16. Getting the meds right is the first step. That can be frustrating, but keep working with your doctor, and you'll get it. Start with that and your diet. But know that other things that improve metabolism are important too. Exercise really helps me and also reduces stress and swelling, which…
  • I'm actually going through the same thing with mine right now. Pretty sure they got injured when I moved up a level on the 30 Day Shred. Unfortunately, I have no solution yet. However, icing, heating, wrapping, and taking ibuprofen have helped somewhat. Let me know if you come up with something better! This is a pretty…