spdrcr456 Member


  • So I guess u can say I fell off the wagon for a while. I was able to get down to 305 but I'm back up to 335. I just love food soo much. It's soo good. Ugh. .. However. I did purchase a bike last weekend at a garage sale hopefully I can get my fat butt on it every weekend and get back on this wagon.
  • Just keep wearing it and as long as it is linked to here in your apps then it will do its thing. It doesn't post every workout burn on mfp it just adds or subtracts calories on mfp to show what your caloric needs are per day. It will do a estumate based on how many calories you have burned so far that day.and it will…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/mazdarcr89 I have a request. My good friend needs some encouragement and some support. I think she looks perfect the way she is but she's always so hard on herself. Maybe if some of you can friend her it will help her not feel so alone. Thanks you so much. I posted her profile at the top.
  • Wow you look amazing. Congrats and good job. Inspiring to everyone. Enjoy looking gorgeous.
  • I adjusted mine down as well. I was noticing the same as you. Working my but off and no vigorous was being shown I lowered it to 5.5 and now it logs a little bit when working hard. I noticed that the calories didn't change when I changed it so I figured it's no big deal.
    in Mets? Comment by spdrcr456 May 2013
  • Thanks everyone. You guys definitely rock.