crykmprs Member


  • Bump
  • Doing Well Wish there was more EMS./FIRE/Police/Dispatchers to join us
  • One week in only five to go
  • Not to sound like and advertisement also but Check out the Road ID if you need an identification while exercising. They have a discount for first responders.
  • Join me in the Health games challenge it is a six week challenge. I am trying it for the first time at the suggestion of one of our physical therapists.
  • Lets Get this Forum up and Running Any First Responders out there?
  • Okay s year since I posted lets send a shout back out for all responders and dispatchers to join up.
  • I got off the wagon for a bit here I am BAck. Paramedic Hospital based full time job with a volunteer Paramedic Chaser when at home.
  • This is a good place for support if you can find the friends
  • Opening this Forum up again for other EMS- FIRE- Dispatchers out there to connect wit the rest of us that know what shoes you have to fill
    in EMS or FIRE Comment by crykmprs May 2011
  • Paramedic here trying to lose the wieght on the crazy schedules we keep
    in Hi there! Comment by crykmprs May 2011
  • well i know i have not posted much but i did just register for a 5k step in the right direction right?
  • Specially the Interfacility transfers. A make it quick type of food run. I have at least cut out soda completly
  • Depending which town or county I am with at the moment depends on my shifts. Right now I am on a rotating three week schedule with 2 other medics. Which includes being in ER from 7a to 7p but being on pager for 7p to 7a. Minimum of a 24 hour shift and sometimes is a 48.
  • I need help with motivation. As a Paramedic I need to be healthy for my job and right now that is just not happening. I am also worried about back problems that can come from this overweight lifestyle as this is the number one reason we have to get out of this job.