jlaplount Member


  • Beeps - you're an inspiration to us all! Honestly, I wasn't doing any lifting until after reading several of your posts over many weeks. Now, I go at least 3 times a week, usually 4, and get in a solid 60 minutes of lifting. Surprisingly, (although it shouldn't have been a surprise at all) I was still losing weight. I no…
  • Well....under the topic of "Act your Age" I now have a pulled hamstring after a session of Fathers versus Sons whiffle ball in my backyard last night. Never pulled a hamstring before...any advise for a speedy recovery? Any thoughts on exercises that will keep me active so I don't lose what I've gained so far? I don't think…
  • Ok....in the spirit of accountability, I'm posting two photos...if I do i right. :smile: This is from March of this year. This is from last weekend, July 2013. Eating smarter, Insanity, and some weight lifting.
  • Give Insanity a good effort. I have gotten through the first 6 weeks and have seen dramatic improvement in my cardio capacity, I feel stronger (I couldn't do the 20 or 30 pushups in the first weeks exercises and last week I figured I did almost 80 in one workout!) I agree with sdereski, it's hard on your joints...I tend to…
  • mrszee1 - no one is out of anyone's league here! I started by just using MFP to watch my calories in/out. Changing those eating habits allowed me to drop 5 pounds very quickly. Then I started just walking everyday....dropped a few more. After I felt better about myself and saw progress, I adding riding my bike to work.…
  • Happy Wednesday Everyone! I'm excited to report that I met two major milestones today....1) I weighed in at less than 170 lbs for the first time since....crap...the '90's? and 2) I got into that lone pair of jeans that have been at the bottom of the stack because they were an inch smaller than all the others! I want to…
  • Hey Everyone. I've been MIA for a while and thought I'd check in. Had a great week of vacation last week. Spent it with friend and family at a cabin on a lake. Lots of fun in the sun! I figured I'd gain 5 pounds with all of food (ribs, salmon, burgers, and a turkey all cooked on a Big Green Egg) and plenty of Summer…
  • Progress report....I made it through the two weeks of being on the road and continuing the Insanity workouts. Monday was Fit Test day and frankly...I KILLED IT! I improved on all 8 of the tests over the first time I took it two weeks ago. My daughter came down to see what I was doing and counted the reps for me. I was…
  • Just wanted to report back to ya'll....a form of accountability for myself. I had my week in Vegas last week and I'm proud to report that not only did I manage to keep within my calorie intake and did NOT get out of hand with the free drinks, I started INSANITY on the Monday I showed up and kept to the schedule all week. I…
  • Beeps - Enjoy Vegas this weekend....don't use up all of the fun while you're there....I arrive on Sunday afternoon! After about a week or two of not moving the needle, despite hitting my calorie goals and exercise goals, the needle has started moving left again! Dropped a couple pounds the past few days. 6 since joining…
  • Thank you for the recommendation! I'm going to check into that right away today!
  • Any work travelers out there? I have 2 weeks where I'll be in Vegas and California. I've gotten into a pretty good routine at home the past 4 weeks and I'm afraid I'm going take a number of steps backwards. Too many free cocktails and there are always too many sweets at these conferences. Then there are those big team…
  • Lousy weather, rain and more rain. Haven't been able to ride my bike to work for over a week now. Very disappointed...and dropping 2 lbs a week has come to a halt. With the holiday weekend coming, i'm afraid all of the cookouts, hamburgers, brats, beer...will cause me to take a step backwards. Here's to will power!
  • Newbie here as well. Just joined a few weeks ago and really like reading the posts and seeing the support out there. I'm 43, and when I get asked what I do for a living, I tell them "sit on my *kitten*" since that's pretty much what the job entails. It's caught up with me and when I saw 195 on the scale (I'm 5'8") I…