40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • rdewald58
    rdewald58 Posts: 21 Member
    Now wouldn't that be something. If so, I don't think we'd need to worry about dieting and losing weight. I'd be eating ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, and BBQ ribs everyday. Yummo!!!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    I think that would depend on the type of immortality you suggest Bit! lol Cause vampires don't eat regular food! ; )~

    Hope you all have a great weekend! I have lots to do so may not post again till Monday! xoxo

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi cool kids,

    Quickly popping in to say "hello". Busy weekend with company so no workouts in, other than housework!
    Today I did a ton of it.
    Food wise, I have been doing really well during the week, but the weekends need work. Still struggling with finding the time to log my food.

    One week from today my husband and I are heading out East to visit my sister. I so wanted to lose some of this spare tire that has grown around my waist, but that is not going to happen...but am going to still keep at it!

    Congrats rde - great weight and inches lost! :drinker:

    Chelle - sounds like you live in a cool place where you can get fresh milk and fresh olive oil, and am sure so much other great stuff!

    Welcome to the new cool kids! :flowerforyou:
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Happy Sunday to all! Hope everyone had a good weekend!

    Just got back from a longer than expected hike with hubby and the boys! Little over 5 miles of trails, hills (fitbit counted 89 flights of stairs! lol) and some bouldering, which by the end had us all worn out!

    Felt good to do but makes ya realize how out of shape you really are on those hills and climbing over boulders on a hill! lol

    All the same it was a good time! My 10 yr old and I are a bit slower than hubby and the 7 and 8 yr old. We were a little behind and stopped to rest disturbing a couple small lizards that proceeded to puff up, turn blue and get in a fight! lmao it was so funny! they knocked each other off a rock and into a bush. My son and I are still laughing about it!

    Talk to you all soon! Time for this worn out mamma to take a bubble bath! lol
  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Everyone. I've been MIA for a while and thought I'd check in. Had a great week of vacation last week. Spent it with friend and family at a cabin on a lake. Lots of fun in the sun!

    I figured I'd gain 5 pounds with all of food (ribs, salmon, burgers, and a turkey all cooked on a Big Green Egg) and plenty of Summer Shandy! But when I got home and went to the scale yesterday....same weight! I did run 3 miles one day, did one Insanity workout another day and ran a 5K at the end of the week (which the event planners managed to set up as 4 miles....how does that happen?) Ended with an 8:25 pace which was way better than my 9+ minute mile expectation.

    Adding more weight lifting to my workout plan...trying to bump it up to 3 times a week. I have 3 weeks of Insanity left before I can say that I actually completed the entire 60 day program. Need to find something new to do after that. Any recommendations?

    Have a great week!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Monday Morning Cool Kids!! Had a good weekend overall. Friday's weigh-in was good- lost 2lbs!!. Made it to the gym Saturday to lift and again this morning and was able to walk yesterday.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Great weigh-in, KellySue!

    I did have a great weekend....of course it was "celebration" the whole time, so I ate too much and I drank plenty and I am not even going to bother stepping on the scale this week.

    I do get to exercise, today, and it's been a 6-day break from THAT, so I'm happy to get back at it, and more than a little "nervous" about the DOMs that will follow. Still, it's all very good!

    Happy Monday, 40+ers!
  • hello everyone.
    MY name is Jay and im 40.
    When I started back in Dec 12, I was 296.
    I am currently down to 255 and looking to drop down to 200lbs.

    current work out is insanity which I started July 1st and I am starting my 4th week today and a 3 day split workout of weights chest/biceps on Monday, shoulders/legs- weds. and back/triceps - Friday.

    had a rough weekend this past weekend with eating.. but back to reality today, and starting fresh.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Welcome, Jay! Sounds like you're off to a great start - keep it up!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I am sooooooooooo exhausted from today's work-out!! THIS IS WHY I NEVER, EVER, EVER SKIP!! Because, "getting back into it" is just HORRIFIC. Exhausting. Mentally. Physically, I actually feel good, but KNOW I'm going to be S-O-R-E tomorrow. I could sleep ALL afternoon!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- sounds like you had a good work out! Good Luck with the DOMs tonight/tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    I am fearful of skipping work outs for that very reason, but sometimes it just happens!
  • rdewald58
    rdewald58 Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome Jay and I agree with Beeps, youre off to a great start. Now that summer is here there's no excuse for not getting out and exercising.

    Beeps - Amen to not missing a workout. I haven't run in 2 weeks and wonder how far I could actually run now. I do make it up by riding several miles a week in addition to my regular daily workouts Monday through Friday over lunch doing cardio and weights. My weekend workouts include walking and riding my bike. Last week I rode 80 miles compared to 200 the week prior, and a person can tell when he or she slacks off. I plan on hitting it hard this week.

    I too had a rough weekend attending a reunion and a small town celebration in which the ice cream, apple pie, and beer were flowing heavily with this upcoming week being just as bad with attending a family function in Colorado Springs for 3 days. I think I'll pack my walking clothes and tennis shoes for some nice long morning walks soaking in that mountain fresh air.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Tuesday All!

    Beeps - amazing how much we can feel "missing" the workouts. Yeah, you will probably be feeling it today, but your body is letting you know you worked it good!

    I did a "long run" on Sunday....9 miles. :laugh: To think that was a regular run for me not that long ago, and now it is my long run. Oh, how times have changed! I really need to get back into it on the days that I do run. Running 4 miles is not going to cut it. The weight training is going well. I lifted yesterday and my butt is letting me know I worked it. :laugh: However, the cardio portion of my workouts needs to be stepped up for me to drop these pounds.

    I stepped ont he scale yesterday and almost fainted! I just keep piling on the weight. :sad: I am starting to get "thick in the middle" which is totally foreign to me...I was always small waisted and carried my wieght in my lower half...now it's all over. :tongue: I've reduced my daily calorie goal....why do I listen to those that tell me I need to eat more to lose weight?! I bucked it for a long time, but thought it would help break through the plateau. I broke through that plateau alright - but 10lbs the WRONG WAY! So, back down to 1200 cals/day and no eating back my exercise calories, unless I burn 1000+ cals from a workout, then I will allow myself a portion of them. I have a wedding for goodness sakes. I am mother of the groom, I want to look fit and healthy, not fat n frumpy! :noway:

    No workout for me today, as I am having company for dinner. Trust me, it is going to be a healthy one, with strict portion control for me and NO WINE! Hopefully we can take a walk on the beach afterward. It will be better than nothing.
  • Hitem20
    Hitem20 Posts: 121
    41 & Counting

    Started a year ago at 370+ pounds (would not get on a scale when I first started) and I am now down to 245 with a goal in the 220 range. I do very little exercise until recently when I was cleared to start my engine. I have a bad hip and neck issues so I will be taking it slowly but I intend to turn my flab into muscle no matter how long it takes.

    Glad to find some 40+ people!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    The good news; I'm stiff, but not MAJOR DOMs!

    The better news: I'm going to get another weight-training work-out done at lunch. I'll choose pyramids over circuits, so I can mix-up the weights and the reps.

    Eeeeeeekkkkkk, sdereski - no bueno stepping on scale and getting a BAD number. boooo. You know I'm already favouring "just do more weights, and drop all that cardio", but I know how much you LOVE YOUR CARDIO. Cardio won't change your shape, though. It won't thin your middle. So, do it for "pleasure", but you gotta lift weights if you want "shape change". (And, of course, you need to keep calories in a deficit if you want to lose body fat.) You already know all this!

    Hi Hitem20!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- glad to hear no major DOMs

    Sdereski- sorry to hear about the bad scale numbers. I'm sure you'll be able to turn it around.

    It was raining when I got up today so did some aerobics instead of my usual walk. Have been on the go all day so far. Had to travel to go check out a program in another county to see what they do there and exchange ideas. It was nice to see, but I am feeling like I should be done for the day and I still have three hours left!!! My daughter and my grandson are coming over for dinner tonight- Yeah! He's seven months old today!! Can't believe how the time flies.

    Welcome Hitem20!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Hi All! This seems like a fun group! I'm Linda. Friends call me LB. I am 45. I have 4 kids, 5 if you count my hubby of 23 years! I have yo yo'd my whole life!

    I found MFP and success with 1200 cals and lots of cardio! BUT quickly gained it all back plus. I didn't enjoy an hour on the elliptical or starving!

    After my dad died, I came back to MFP with a new game plan. I don't focus on the scale. I focus on healthy choices and inches. I lift weights and try to eat 1500 cals plus exercise cals.

    It was working but I have stalled. Couldn't have anything to do with the weekend boating food and adult beverages! :wink: I am trying to recommit and remotivate!

    After a week at Kids church camp and no lifting, I worked with PT last night. I was dreading it! I ended lifting my personal best in dead lifts - 155 lbs! NSV baby! It felt great to be back after a week off! I think my body needed the rest!

    Glad to meet others my age who can understand these struggles. I look at my neices and think, "It would be so much easier on you if you start now!"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Kelly Sue - baby-times DO go by SO FAST! Congrats on your work-out!

    LBNOakland - sounds like you belong RIGHT HERE.

    Turns out I did not have time to get away for a lunch-time work-out. Boo. And yay....maybe I'll suggest to my hubby that he and I go for a walk, tonight, instead of "eating out". That could be fun!
  • jlaplount
    jlaplount Posts: 14 Member
    Happy Wednesday Everyone! I'm excited to report that I met two major milestones today....1) I weighed in at less than 170 lbs for the first time since....crap...the '90's? and 2) I got into that lone pair of jeans that have been at the bottom of the stack because they were an inch smaller than all the others!

    I want to thank the people in this group....especially Beeps. All of your talk about weights, lifting, how only that will change your shape, led me to the Y to start lifting weights rather than 6 days of cardio. I think it's paying off!

    Thanks again everyone!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    jlaplount- congrats on the loss!

    Good morning! Rest day for me and boy, do I feel that I need it!!! Just worn out, but I have a long day ahead so... Onward!
    Have a good one everybody!