40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    got to lift yesterday, but did not complete the workout. Started level 2 of NROL4W. Took me an hour to get through the first set. Not feeling so great right now - have a nasty cold. Hopefully will get through more of it at Friday's w/o.
  • badzoe
    badzoe Posts: 132 Member
    HI everyone! I'm a 44yo SAHM to three girls--7, 4 and 3 years old. I'm trying to get my cool back. Any advice?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I raced to the gym, yesterday, just to check my scale-weight (figuring it would be down from tummy flu) - it was!

    I am posting my end-of-2012 results as <150 lbs!!

    That's right, I slid in at 149.4. So, I didn't get down to 145 lbs, which is where I SAID I would be (for my Jan 1, 2012 resolution), but, considering I was as high as 164 in August/Sept, 2012, I think I did pretty good.

    What I *did* learn, FOR SURE, in 2012, is the whole "eat more to weigh less" stuff does NOT work, for me.

    I like lifting, because it DOES change my SHAPE. But, I *still* have to keep my calories in a deficit in order to actually drop the fat.

    For 2013, I'd like to get <140 and make sure my body fat is <20%. Hopefully, I'll get there around March or April, but who knows?? I have a holiday in Mexico in about 10 days and then a holiday in Palm Springs in March....and I *do* plan on enjoying myself during those vacations and NOT eating at a deficit!

    Anyway, go KILL IT at the gym today, 40+-ers!
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    Hi I am 41 SAHM with a boy and a girl.

    I am off to Hawaii on April 1 and after seeing some truly heinous photos of me on the beach at Tofino I finally turned myself in and started a diet. I am finding it interesting that weight loss is so different in my 40s. I am on the NY challenge and hope that by March 20 I will have lost 20lbs. I am having to change my work out so that I go at night because my son keeps catching every bug at the gym and I am tired of cleaning up barf (it was the theme of this year's advent and Christmas season and I don't recommend it!!)!

    Good luck in 2013 - hope to see lots of us older but cools in the success stories page! Go!
  • leanveins
    leanveins Posts: 53 Member
    @beeps I figured the same thing out this year. I can not eat more to lose either. I eat more I gain more. Still trying to lose what I gained learning that lesson. I have to stay between 1200 - 1500 max.

    No gym this week but I have been working out at home. I am training myself for a 5K goal is to run the whole thing at 6mph or in 30 min. I can't run outside in this cold. I am a wimp. So hopefully when spring gets here I will be able to accomplish the 3 miles at the same speed.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I'm 42 started last November at 320lbs down to 200lbs. Have just now restarted my dieting/lifestyle change to lose the last 40lbs. I am also trying out for roller derby for the first time in 1 week. My kids think I'm cool. I think I'm fabulous. I know YOU'RE cool. I wanna play.

    Roller derby makes you uber cool! ;)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I'm 42 started last November at 320lbs down to 200lbs. Have just now restarted my dieting/lifestyle change to lose the last 40lbs. I am also trying out for roller derby for the first time in 1 week. My kids think I'm cool. I think I'm fabulous. I know YOU'RE cool. I wanna play.

    Roller derby makes you uber cool! ;)

    totally agree! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I'm off to the gym, today!

    I get to lift today! And, while I was thinking of skipping it, the songbirds came out, announced that my mexico trip starts on January 10th and I realized - GO TO THE GYM!

  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    Hi, I'm 45 and my 16-year-old son thinks I'm cool. I have struggled with weight as I get older, and have learned that building muscles is important to my longterm health. Plus there are a lot of active things I want to continue to do, and do more of - hiking, snorkeling, kayaking, etc. I lift weights three times a week, do cardio three times a week, and have just added Zumba to the mix. Also, my son and I take horseback riding lessons once a week, which I love and would do every day if I could.

    I currently weigh 158; my goal is about 135-140 with a healthy body fat percentage.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 and consider myself super cool!! (although my 2 children will beg to differ). I love all the young music (Pitbull, Beyonce, etc) and I love to dance and just be young. I don't feel like I'm 42. Can I join the cool club??
  • leanveins
    leanveins Posts: 53 Member
    Good run today! :smile: So far I am down in weight but we will see come Tuesday the weekend always gets me. I can be down all week and by Monday it will be gone and then the cycle repeats.
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    Still loving the 80's music!
  • woobiewoobster
    woobiewoobster Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a 43 year old cool mom of a 17 year old cool kid. I am new to myfitnesspal so I am looking to friend folks.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I'm 50...and wish I was cool.

    I lost 89 lbs in 2009 thanks to MFP and then got too cocky. I gained about 50 back and am now trying to refind the mindset I had then.

    My husband is doing this with me as well. My son is a trained chef and he also wants to lose weight so we are working on this together.

    I miss red wine....lots of it
  • newgrlhrs
    Hello all. I'm 41, but I'm not sure how cool I am. I guess I'm more of a geek than cool. I'm also new to myfitnesspal. I lost 20 lbs (9 kg) using myfatsecret from September to December... but then Christmas came and the diet went out the window. I'm trying to lose another 75 lbs (35-ish kilos). I'm also an end stage renal disease patient on daily home hemodialysis. I'm waiting for a new kidney. While I'm waiting I thought I would straighten out my life by going back to school and losing the extra weight. Good luck to me?:)

    Nice to meet you all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I had a great work-out!

    And, I weighed in at 149.0 lbs. PERFECT!

    I'm trying to get as LOW as I can before my trip - I leave in 6 days!
  • stevb15
    stevb15 Posts: 13 Member
    I just turned 40 in August. I've been using MFP since the monday before Thanksgiving. So far I've lost 23 lbs.

    The bad thing is my kids (3 of them, 10,5, and 4) tell me I'm a nerd.

    Looking forward to more motivation and support.
  • schooby2
    schooby2 Posts: 20 Member
    This looks to be where the fun people are. New to MFP and getting back in the workout groove. I was an athlete through college and then gradually slowed down...almost to a stop once my daughter was born. She is now 10 and I want to show her that being active is a fun lifestyle. I am looking for the place and people who can keep me accountable. Looks like people on here are off and running!
  • leanveins
    leanveins Posts: 53 Member
    I didn't think I would be able to work out but made myself go to the gym. When I went in I had a great work out good run and good leg work out !!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey friends!

    Welcome new cool kids! Hope to see you coming back and updating us.

    Beeps - congrats on making the <150 goal!!!! Well done!

    Still battling a nasty cold! Feel better during the day, so I did manage to run outside yesterday and then did a good long snow shoe today. The snow shoe was a tough workout - breaking trail and lots of climbing. At least the exercise helps me sleep better at night.
    Am still struggling with my diet. Need to get back to the clean eating. Each day it gets a little better, but am still eating too much sugar. Need to STOP that!!