

  • I know exactly what you mean. This is only my second week and I have been doing so well until today. I missed having proper meals due to a stupid busy day and a massive hunger pang got me and resulted in a major chocolate craving. I have just munched away an entire bag of Cadburys Giant Buttons and am now feeling like i…
  • Drink more water as sometimes you think it is hunger calling you when your body just needs more water. Also, you shouldn't feel super hungry all the time (just some hunger pangs now and again until you relax into the lifestyle change of controlled consumption). Do you have a balanced nutrition plan so you take in…
  • Hi there, well you have made the first big step to achieving your goals; that is being honest with yourself and identifying you own the problem and that sheer over indulgence is the cause. Most of us have the same story of gorging, over indulgence, comfort eating, boredom eating etc. At the end of the day, our stomach is…