tcatdog63 Member


  • when I first started I thought I would need people to go with me too, my husband does occasionally, but his job prevents him from going when I go. my friends have all done the exact same thing. I am doing this for me , it is nice to have the support but lets be real, I continue to go buy my self and actually like the me…
  • I have actually done that, just on paper and added the calories up,if I remember right it was near 3200 calories of junk per day!! I can't believe all the mindless eating I was doing!!! I was going to mcdonals almost every day due to my job and eating things like double quarterpounders with cheesen large fries, lg drink…
  • I had to build up to 1 hour and I started with 20 minutes and added 5 miutes at a time. Currently I am at 70 minutes. I agree with the other post about fueling up for your work out. I always eat 1 hour before my work out and drink water before, during and after. I like to listen to music and look at magazines and watch tv…
  • I have had a simular experience with a doctor lately, and I too kept reminding her that I have been doing the same as you, weight was coming off slowly, then i fell and hurt my back, I am very over weight but never had a stitch of back problems in my 47 years. she was so rude and cold I walked out of the office in tears.…
  • This is normal for most any dieter, so now that you had yourself a small break it's just time to get going again, don't beat yourself up, years of old habbits are hard to break. keep up the good work. YOU CAN DO THIS:happy:
  • I have researched this a little because I have seasonal affective disorder (SAD). I know that bananas are because that contain B vitamins and potassium. There are quite a few fruits that contain this vitamin. Chocolate is a biggie but remember it is dark chocolate and moderation. Go to webMD, that is where I got my…