

  • The whole 'cheat day' experience never really worked for me. I decided to make healthy eating and exercise a life style change. So for example I'll come back from the gym and I'll be craving chocolate so I'll have a chocolate digestive or something and a glass of water. Usually this stops me binging or going crazy. If I…
  • It doesn't matter how fast you're going as long as YOU are pushing yourself. Everyone around you in the pool will be at different levels of experience. You just need to focus on yourself, and if you swim slowly? Pfft who cares! If you feel you're pushing yourself then you are burning just as many calories as they are!
  • Hey Emily. So nice of you to join us! :)
  • Thank you Craig, I will definitely give that a try! Take it day by day!
  • I'm overjoyed that you're happy with how you look! That's a great thing I hope I'll experience someday. :) However I doubt everyone here feels that way. We'll all get there eventually. Just need to work together. :)
  • I'm such a swimmer, I never really got into running but I'm thinking of starting. I actually know a bit about swimming so I'm glad I can help you out! Breaststroke is a very 'minimal effort' stroke (unless you're going flat out sprint which would be impossible to sustain for 65minutes). I would have to agree with you and I…