

  • Yeah I know! I live in Aberdeen and there is nothing here but back home near Turriff it's a white out! Thought we were done with the snow for one year......
    in SNOW! WTF? Comment by u04lj7 March 2011
  • I see where you are coming from but I think to be really healthy you have to have animal products in your diet - Everyone can make their own choices of course and I think if we tried to eat a bit less meat it would be easier to eat more vegetables by having vege-based meals. I find it difficult to have vegetarian based…
  • I love Macaroni Cheese too! It isnt nearly as tasty but if you bring some skimmed milk (approx 1/2 pint say) to the boil then add some cornflour mixed with cold water it will give you your white sauce (and add salt, pepper and mustard to your taste) then add low fat cheese that you like, mature chedder is best so you can…
  • All the best for the weight loss! I started to put on weight when I met my boyfriend almost 5 years ago so I think being in a couple its so easy to put on weight! But hopefully - working together it will be easier to lose it again! My boyfriend does want to lose weight but doesnt join weight loss clubs or eat healthy for…
  • Maybe try something like Peppermint tea which aids digestion, it might help if you are feeling sluggish! I think oily fish is also a good thing to keep your brain healthy, keep u alert! Nuts and stuff are good for that too. I think overall herbal teas are a brilliant way to feel fresher! They take a bit of getting use to…