

  • I'd suggest using the keto calculater (look it up on reddit)...and try not going below the minimum grams of protein it sets for you. the only problem is that if you eat too little protein you lose muscle mass, which is not good. hope this helps :)
  • when i started keto i got that low carb fake tortilla stuff but you know what, you dont need it. im almost on week 4 of keto and I stopped the low carb stuff after the first week. just use the carbs for veggies and like berries or other things. eat lots of BACON, and cook everything in butter or coconut oil, and eat cheese…
  • Just cook everything in olive oil or coconut oil or butter. try to have as much fat grams as protein, and just focus on meeting/even surpassing fat. what i do is eat a lot of cheese, and coconut oil, and even tablespoons of peanut butter (i am one of those people that hate peanut butter) but for some reason i dont mind it…
  • I'm 5'4" and 23yrs My highest weight was summer 2010 at 165 and 4 weeks ago i got to 163...that's when i decided that I needed to do something about it. My lowest was about 130 in high school i believe..i don't count before that because you're still growing and developing before high school. My current weight is 152. going…
  • hahaha that's pretty awesome!
  • Nice! You're almost there! How long did it take you to get to 135? Yeah, tell me about it! I lost 6 pounds in a week and a half of regular dieting, eating 5 times a day, but i was hungry all the time and i was very restricted in what I could eat. Keto keeps me full so long! Thanks for adding me :)