DianePK Member


  • I am a shocking snacker in the night. It's boredom, tiredness, stress from work and comfort. Now with my new job, I get home later, so hubby who is now on MFP too has a vegetarian dinner on the table, and cleans up so I can eat, chill out and what crappy TV and veg out mentally, before I head to bed for an early night. I…
  • I weigh myself after the loo (TMI I know) and remove everything before my shower.
  • I bought one and am wearing it now. It's the right size and not terribly uncomfortable - just like wearing a lap band as I can't eat as much.. It is great for my lumbar spine issues as I have to bend my knees instead of bending over (washing machine, dishwasher, vacuum). It's like a brace for my sore back and has taken the…
  • I'm a vegetarian who occasionally eats seafood, but try to eat as few animal based products. I had zucchini spiral noodles with veggie and tofu stir fry for dinner tonight.
  • responded and we are MFP pals : )
  • 70% food 30% exercise
  • You inspired me with your story. Ican't see much of a light at the end of the tunnel and hope weightloss will help with the pain. I don't feel it in the water, so that is telling my that losing weight will help. I tried taking a bunch of supplement but they were so expensive and I didn't find they helped. I have no…
  • OA isn't "fixable" but you can work on pain management and exercise. The single biggest issue for me is weight loss. I have to lose 20kj which is 40lb. I recently lost 5 kg and the difference was amazing, but left my job at Weightwatchers so my benefits stopped. I have rejoined MFP because it is just as good, if not better…
  • I'm under a physio plan so get 5 free physio sessions per calendar year. She is also in favour of MFP if it keeps me out of the fridge and into the pool or gym.
  • I have to lose weight, 40lb due to spinal surgery, medication and osteoarthritis. Nothing compared to your battle, only the spinal surgery was close to life threatening (or felt like it at the time), but I'd love to be your mutual accountability friend. I'm 46, Australian and work as a graphic designer. Di : )
  • weight fluctuations can do your head in. Just wait till the Christmas overeating dust settles in a weeks and see where you are.
  • Happy New year to all the MFP people. Turn a new leaf, fresh start!
  • The old system was about calories, carbs and fat. Now it is about protein, sugar and fat - the equation changed. The pillars of "Food, Fit, Feel" is remarkably similar to Michelle Bridges "Move, Munch, Mood" ie exercise, food and emotions. And there is a reason for this. Food is the number one way to lose weight, but…
  • I found the same thing. It wasn't sustainable as it was too restrictive, and too "perfect". The old system worked better for me. I know it is about science based research but I think that they made it too hard for the average human to adapt to their lifestyle.
  • I have no doubt WW works, my issue for not rejoining after I stopped working for them is the cost justification when many of the key tools available are free, such as tracking food and exercise, community engagement and mobile apps (that work).
  • Back at you. I got told by a dr for the umpteenth time to lose weight, so I am ready willing and able to lose the weight in 2016. No more booze, no more junk or sugary treats. Adding exercise into the mix.
  • From what I am aware, exercise is 30% of the weight loss equation, so it helps you lose weight faster but boosting your metabolism, building muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat. So if you exercise while making healthier food choices, you will reach your goals faster.
  • Try to think of it as making healthier choices. I love food too, but I love feeling healthy and slim. Do the french thing. They don't diet, but they have smaller portions of what they love. Hope this helps for what it is worth.
  • I used to work at Weight Watchers (only for short time and prior to that had lost weight successfully on the old program, but the new program is a. expensive compared to MFP, b. doesn't suit my lifestyle at all and c. when you have worked somewhere it feels weird to still use the program. I was privy to many aspects of the…
  • I'm back again. I was on Weight Watchers as I worked there, and lost some weight, however as soon as I stopped it has crept back up, so here I am. I am 46, 80kg and not happy about it. I have a gym in my unit complex so not excuses at all for not working out. apart from arthritis, which means I have to be careful of my…
  • About 15 years ago had a baby boy who has a chromosomal issue, and part of his health problems included liver failure. I never had the opportunity to donate part of my liver, but would have if I had been given a choice. Long story short is that we lost our little man due to liver failure and it was the most painful things…
  • Juice is packed full of fruit sugars and minimal fibre and really high in calories. Because it has the fibre removed, you won't feel full either after consuming so many calories. You'd be better off without the juice and head for water which has no calories. Even go 50% water in your juice will help.
    in Sugars Comment by DianePK April 2015
  • Im 45 and I have 18kg to lose. I was slim until a ski accident and a surgeon ruined my knee and I put weight on steadily since them. I have tried to lose the weight before, and just put it back on so this time I am trying again for the longer term.
  • I normally weigh myself each morning but I think once a week is better for me mentally on such a long journey.
  • Just in case you were still worries about artificially sweetening your tea with aspartame, here's some actual scientific info that shows this it is safe unless you have PKU (which is rare). Its time people realised that it is actually sugar that causes the bulk of diet related health problems.…
  • Totally! I really should hit the gym after work, but if I go when I wake up I can't find excuses.
  • My husband is super supportive of my weightloss journey as he is into fitness and health, and my daughter who is nearly 14 is a vegetarian (who eats seafood) and she is supportive too. I do however need to motivate myself and surround myself with motivated people.
  • I'm 45, but was in my best shape ever 5 years ago when I turned 40. Since then I had a skiing accident which led to me gaining 22.5kg! I am now over not looking like me. My face looks puffy and fat, my thighs chafe and I feel dreadful. I have lost 5.9kg so far but still have a long haul ahead. I will feel OK at the halfway…
  • It takes a while to get used to not eating sweets. I have a chocolate obsession and it took me a long time to quit, but now when I eat overly sweet things I don't actually enjoy it, as I feel my heart racing and it is too rich on my stomach. Once you get used to not eating sugar it is a lot easier. Take it a day at a time,…
  • well done for starting. I've been doing it for 4 weeks and have lost 4.5kg (about 8lbs) (it says the wrong this on my progress for some reason and I can't change the starting weight). and I haven't starved myself. All I am doing is: 1. tracking my diet, weight and exercise everyday. 2. not snacking in the evenings. That is…