DianePK Member


  • Typos are fine. I always make them. Putting on weight for me is a symptom of how I feel inside. I can't kid anyone I am happy when I am overweight. If I am happy I don't comfort eat, so I am trying to address the issues underlying my binge eating in the evenings.
  • I try to do under my calorie goal as it speeds up the process, but not by much. The slower you lose it, the long you keep it off.
  • Not good at all. If you are married, imagine your spouse reading the posts. How would they feel? If you wouldn't share it with them then it is a betrayal. That's my stand on it. When I was unhappy a few months ago and my husband was either away or angry, I briefly flirted online and my 16 year old daughter found the…
  • I'm on great medicine, and it is the only thing that works, but yes the cravings are awful. I was on arava and felt so sick I lots 10kg. But my hair fell out. And I got sick constantly.
  • No it isn't, but the feeling is like that (yes I inhaled in the 90's LOL), it's so hard to fight. If I just don't it's OK but once I start it's all over.
  • that's a great idea about half dinner!
  • It's a habit too, but compounded by medicine.
  • I'm trying to bed earlier and not "get inspired" and work late on my blog.
  • Yeah, I think it's problematic as once I snack, I binge. If it is an absolutely no no I do better. I look a pictures of my thin agile, and pain free self and remind myself why I am doing it. Being lighter will mean less pressure on my knee which has grade 4 osteo and needs replacing despite being only 48 (4 surgeries later…
  • wonderful jwat90, that would be good. I've just had my dinner and have no more calories left today and I need to take my medicine that makes me hungry. IfI knowI have to be accountable to someone else battling I can do it.
  • You got me! I don't eat any animal products. More out of taste and personal preference that anything else. When my daughter went vegan it was great for me, because I was always the one who could eat anything that had a face. I don't find it hard. There are so many substitutes for meat and dairy, there's no drama. It's…
  • It was her reaction to eating dairy inadvertently that concerned me. She really hated herself, and her vehemence was the thing I was worried about, not the vegan values.
  • Yes, my mum wasn't exactly embracing of my veganism, cooking a lamb roast when I visited. But most people are either dismissive of vegans or threatened. The first thing most people say is "I don't really eat much meat" or they try to argue the values of eating meat. It's like deep down they are trying to justify their…
  • That's interesting, I will take this on board.
  • I think this is where she is coming from. Frankly I don't like eating meat, never really have, and I was a vegan for a year in college and vegetarian for 3 years. I only started back eating meat because I thought I wasn't getting full nutrition and it was before the internet and I was following a dietician's advice. I now…
  • No she is very bright and worries about climate change, animal rights and the impact of monoculture on the land. I respect her values and empathy, so I don't think it is a phase. She's always been mindful of the planet, and I think this is an extension. She has asked for Dr's tests to make sure she isn't deficient in any…
  • I have an open vegan diary (my only deviation is that I have hot chocolate at night which has a little dairy in it). My family eats a plant based diet as my daughter is very determined to be kind to animals.
  • I'm here if you need an accountability pal. I don't have a fit bit but I am looking for people to help keep me on the straight and narrow and vice versa.
  • FYI I am not spamming, I just wanted to share my strategies to lose weight with the odds stacked against you from medicine. I also take a beta blocker for anxiety, which affects training, I have to take it after exercise.
  • My daughter is dragging me to the gym today. Going to use the cross trainer.
  • I can completely empathise. I take medicine that causes weight gain, and it is a constant uphill battle, but worth it. I also started to take a natural medicine, called Nuvexa, which prevents your body absorbing fat (it works a little like Xenical without the side effects and is a 1/3 of the price. It's really helped to…
  • Hi all you lovelies! I'm back after falling off the weightloss wagon. I had a hard time with workplace bullying for a few months and it's taking me a little while restore my faith in human beings. I finally went to a pilates class today and tracked food, and am going to the gym tomorrow. So part of the community again,…
  • Exercise is only 30% of weightloss, so do what doesn't hurt as far as activities and really watch you diet closely. I have an injured spine and knee (both quite debilitating). I have to loss weight to take the pressure of both, but the pain of it can be restrictive. I use a stationary bike, cross trainer, do yoga and spin…
  • Thank you all for your help. I am back on track, and have taken all of your comments into account and will hopefully be posting a loss next week!
  • i've opened my diary, and the only thing I can think of is that I need scales as I might be under estimating portions. Yes 4 days is a lot I guess. It's mainly alcohol when I have a night out. I like the idea of not nighttime snacking. My blow out days are not tooooo bad. I'm off to the gym now, I just had to wait until my…
  • I'm not allowed to run at all, as it will damage my fragile knee further (I have no ACL, I have bone grafts through my femur and tibia after botched surgery and no cartilage so my knee is bone on bone in the media area), so I have to use the bike, cross trainer or swim (which is hard after surgery on my spine). I guess I…
  • I worked for WW for a very short time and they were changing the program to what it is now. I personally know the success and failure rates, and cannot disclose but any program that relies upon proprietary software and algorithms to monitor your food and exercise is only going to work while you are on it. They count on…
  • There are heaps of You Tube videos for workouts, from yoga, toning to cardio. Just search around. I joined a gym because it has a pool which I need for my back and knees, but a simple hired exercise bike doesn't cost a lot. Or even walking can help lose weight. Exercise is only 30% of the equation, 70% is diet. Exercise…
  • I am a pescetarian (no not pesky-tarian) I eat seafood and otherwise I am vego. I eat some dairy (not much, just tea and coffee) and not eggs (hate them). I love animals and food. And I put on weight from chocolate, wine, cheese, etc over several years after an accident and a bout of surgeries. But if you don't drink wine…
  • I have to lose 40lb so happy to share the journey. I am in Australia (Sydney) so in a different time zone, but post on the boards regularly. Feel free to drop me a line or vent, anything. Support is important with weightloss so feel free to lean on me : )