

  • Height is 5' 4" Highest Weight was 185 Current Weight is 139.4
  • SW: (Starting weight) 135.2 CW: (Current weight) 133.0 GW: (Goal weight for the month) 125 Weigh in Dates: 7/1 135.2 7/8 134.8 7/15 133.0 7/22 7/28 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: 2.2
  • Hi Brandie. How much weight are you trying to lose? You can do this. It may not always be easy at times (hitting plateaus, bad day at work, etc.), but at those times is when you have to dig even deeper to get the results that you want. Like you, this is my third time back to this website. Came back almost 2 weeks ago due…
  • Hi Brandie. How much weight are you trying to lose? You can do this. It may not always be easy at times (hitting plateaus, bad day at work, etc.), but at those times is when you have to dig even deeper to get the results that you want. Like you, this is my third time back to this website. Came back almost 2 weeks ago due…
  • Start out simple. When I lost most of my weight, I bought some Richard Simmons workout tapes and did them with walking. I have added Wii Fitness, Wii Fitness Plus, Wii The Biggest Loser Challenge (which I have been doing for little over 3 years) and have Jillian Michaels Wii Fitness Ultimate disc that I tried a little bit.…
  • Hi, I'm a 53 year young Michigander. Feel free to add me to your friends list if you care too. I lost 55 pounds between 9/1/03 and 6/1/04 and have been yo-yoing ever since. For the most part, I have maintained between 50 and 55 pounds but have gone to a 45 pound loss at one point and as much as a 60 pound loss. Hang in…
  • I have to agree with both of the previous posts. First, look at your food journal to see where you can make changes on what you are eating. When was the last time you had a complete physical? As asugar stated there may be an issue with underactive thyroid or other medical issues that is sabatoging you. What are you doing…
  • I definately agree with using the weights at the gym as well. You can also use your body weight to help gain muscle. You do need to have enough protein in your diet to help with the muscle gain with the weight training. Best thing I can suggest is pay a personal trainer for a session, and he/she can work with you as far as…
  • 18 years with 34 years experience (do the math, = 52) and at goal. Add me as a friend if you wish.
  • Everything that you buy that is prepackage is going to have higher sodium levels in it. If you want to reduce it, do a search engine for a french salad dressing recipe and get as close to it by making it yourself as you can. That way, you can reduce the amount of sodium that goes into it. Just a suggestion.
  • I'm a 52 year old woman. Use to hate beets as a kid, sad to say being a country girl. Now I can eat them occasionally (once a year, if that often) in a Greek Salad.
  • Congrats on the weight loss. You have hit a platuea, my friend. Yes, hitting a platuea is very frustrating, been there, done that. With keeping your calories and exericising the way it is, or should I say as close to it as possible, change the amount of time (decrease no more than half-an-hour a day) working out for about…
  • Lapeer, Michigan where I still live today.
  • It's normal to lose weight within the first few weeks. Lot of it is due to water retention as well as weight. Keep going with your daily caloric intake and start exercising. By getting active, you will start to drop weight in no time.
  • My situation is slightly different. When I started 9 years ago my husband was very supportive and still is to a certain point. This year (about 3 to 6 monthes ago) he started complaining that I've become anaresic/bolemic (sp?) due to the fact that I was doing my workouts and eating healthy and in my caloric intake yet…
  • The reason your parents are acting like this is due to the fact that you are forcing them to see that they are not eating healthy and (my guess and I could be wrong) overweight and they are threatened by the fact that you are making healthier choices and losing weight. It's their issues not yours. Keep doing what is right…
  • Sorry hon. I, too, am an avid coffee drinker, but I drink my coffee straight/black. Look into Truvia as a sugar substitute. It has 5 calories per 1/2 teaspoon or 10 calories per 1 1/2 teaspoons (taken off a Truvia package). Truvia is derived from the Stevia leave and you need only half the amount of regular sugar. As far…
  • Congrats.:bigsmile: It's such a great feeling to get to that point. Even though I've been there for quite some time now, I do have my periods of time where I have some major slips and start going the wrong way. I always get back on track and drop the weight that I gained.
  • Depending. I have heard/read, that you should eat breakfast within the first 30 minutes, as well as eating your breakfast within the first hour after getting up in the morning. Yes, two different time frames, I know. I'm the same way as you, I want to lounge a little bit prior to starting my day. I make some lo-cal…
  • You're not alone with wanting to go with raw milk. I would rather have it raw over being pasteurized as well. My suggestion is if you're fairly close to an Amish community, check with an Amish family to see if you can by raw milk from them.
  • Fantastic job. Nothing like losing a whole person. Keep up the great work.
  • It has to do with the fact that you sleep for so many hours during the night (6 to 8 hours, different for everyone) and your digestive system has that much time to digest everything that you eat and drink the day before, besides what you work off while exercising. As the day progresses, you body does not have the time to…
  • Lol. I have a Wii Fit and Fit Plus (1 board though), so I can see the humor in it. My 16 month old grandson was in the back room with yesterday morning while I was working out. At first he was dancing, then he didn't like me doing some of the exercises.
  • Hi, I'm 52 years young here dear. Feel free to add me to your Friends list as well.
  • I don't know if your building is single story or multiple stories. If there's more than 1 floor in your building, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for walks on your lunch hour. When I was working first shift as a shop rat, I'd get up early to get my workout done prior to work because I knew I would let myself…
  • Amen Brother. I couldn't have said it any better. Time to quit making excuses, get off your *kitten* and make the necessary changes that need to be made. I did 9 years ago and have maintained a 40 to 58 pound weight loss for the past 9 years. It's a life style change.
  • Great Job.:flowerforyou:
  • Having done a quick calculation, you are averaging lossing 3 pounds a week. That is a fantastic number. Remember, every person and their body is different so some people may lose more in that short time frame while others may lose less.
  • Okay, this may sound brutal, which is not my intention, but get rid of the "Stinkin' Thinkin'". Yes you can do it. I'm glad that you are looking over your diary as several people have suggested. Yes, I also agree that maybe your caloric intake may be set too low. My suggestion is that if you have your daily caloric intake…