

  • I have read conflicting reports on Splenda. I limit fake sugar use and if I need a sweetner in coffee or tea I will use honey, or Agave. A nurse told me the Agave reacts better with blood sugars. It looks and tastes exactly like honey. Stevia is also said to be an alternative as a healthy sweetner. I try not to add…
  • OMG I used to say that I was eating for energy as a joke, yet I really feel like I am. Or maybe I have a low threshold for boredom! I'm always wanting gum or lozengers. It doesn't have to be a full meal, it's not like being hunger, or even to want chocolate. I thought drinking water would be a solution and that doesn't…
  • Hi Ok, I guess you're added now! Thank you for the help!
  • When I get like that I go for the soup and's usually not enough..(you always want chocolate too), but at least it satisyfing that salt and protein craving, kind of fills you up and feels more like a meal.
  • Hi Bradspace! I seem to be getting the hang of replying, however specifics seems to be the challenge! I agree with you and what this website's wonderful!
  • Hi, thank you for letting me add you as a friend! Congrats on your weight loss!
  • Thanks to all of you who have let me add you to my support/friends group. I will have to find out how to do that also!!!!:happy:
  • Hi, I'm very new....about 15 minutes. I don't have a picture. Your comment about first day of high school summed up how I am feeling. Yes, a buddy system is good for motivation, and interest. I would appreciate the support! Nice meeting you.
  • Hi, I'm Lightthing and I hope this site is as awesome as it appears to be!! I don't have a lot to lose, but I am a stress eater, and I seem to be stressed all the time!! I have an especially difficult time during the winter months. I do appreciate your help, thank you!
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