allieO3390 Member


  • I'm in vet school and I have the same problem. I found that having healthy snacks helps a lot too. I usually want it to help keep me awake so I gravitate towards mindless eating of chips/candy. If you replace that with fruits and veggies and pre-log, you can get away with eating a fair amount while you study. I…
  • Yup! And to begin with they probably weren't the best choices. But I slowly discovered I was a lot more full if I ate more protein and fat. So probably about 3 months in I started tracking macros and I've found that I do best at 40% protein, and 30% carbs and fat. Because of tracking my macros, I can say my diet has…
  • Whizzybeth is correct. I eat whatever I want to fit within my macros and calories and exercise. That's all you have to do. When I started, I had the whole "diet" mentality of restricting foods. As I went on and gained some self control I realized I could eat anything I wanted as long as I made the rest of my day work. For…
  • All BC can make you gain weight indirectly by making you more hungry. Depo has also been shown to increase water weight gain. Depo has a higher dose of hormone than other methods (such as Mirena or nexplanon) because you only get the shot every month or every 3 months. It is also an intramuscular shot so more is needed to…
  • I don't want to scare you! But I went on Depo as my first form of birth control after being a virgin as well. I gained all the weight I am still trying to lose on Depo in a year (about 80 pounds). When I stopped taking it, I immediately lost about 15 pounds of what I think was water weight. At the time, I completely blamed…
  • I'm just going to go with one study as there are many things that a low calorie diet can damage in your body. One of the biggest problems with going with an extremely low calorie diet and then rapidly increasing calories (if you ever decide to start eating again) is heart problems. Sudden cardiac arrest is associated with…
  • Feel free to add me! I'm looking for more friends. I've been logging for 151 days straight now and have lost 30 pounds!
  • Hi! I completely understand! I just finished my first year of vet school and while I was overweight before, the first year didn't help me any. Haha I've been logging since February and have dropped 30 and have 30 more to go. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm 5' 3" and have been on MFP since February. I have lost 30 pounds and am looking to lose another 30 to get to my goal weight. Feel free to add me!
  • I have had both mirena and paragaurd. My paragaurd was in for a year and I had near constant bleeding (I didn't bleed for about 3 weeks combined during that year). My doctor just kept telling me to wait it out but I finally got fed up and had it taken out. I didn't experience any weight gain during the time I had it but my…
  • I'm going to tell you that I know what you're going through. I gained 80 pounds in less than a year when I was put on depo provera. At least 15 was water weight as I dropped 25 lbs after I didn't receive my last shot. But those other 55 pounds were real fat. And for a really long time I blamed the birth control. But once I…
  • This is exactly what I do and I have lost 30 pounds doing it. It helps me feel like I am not "dieting" because I can still eat the same meals for dinner as I did before just with smaller portions and more fruits and veggies. And I know that once I hit maintenance it will be easier to add a few calories in the mornings and…
  • Hi! I'm Allie. I am 22. I've been here for the last 4 months logging consistently and have lost 30 lbs from my heaviest of 210. I'm trying to get down to 135. Feel free to add me!
  • Depo provera is why I am here. In the first 2 weeks I gained 15 pounds and I gained another 40 over the course of the next 2 months but my doctor said that was "normal" and it would get better. I believed her and continued to take depo for another 6 months where I was constantly bloated, starving, on my period (for the…
  • SW: 206.6 CW: 194.4 GW:145 (for this 30 days I would love to get below 190 and keep toning) Bust 41.75in Skinniest part of waist 34.5in widest part of stomach 41.5in butt and hips 45.25in left inner thigh 28in left arm 16in
  • That drives me insane too! And then Jillian says "look at them they don't even cheat when I'm not looking" and I'm always like yes they do!! I want to yell at the tv. Haha
  • Hi I'm Allie. I am a full time veterinary student which means I'm at school allll day long. I gained all my weight in a very short amount of time because of medication (60+ pounds in 8 months) and even though I have been off the medication for over a year I felt so down on myself that I gave up on myself ever getting back…
  • I would love to join! I've started level one more times than I can count but I always do a couple of days and then give up. This time I want to get through it!
  • Everyone feel free to add me too! I am 3 weeks in and have already met my first goal of getting under 200. I still have over 50 to go.
  • I'm also 22 and looking to lose at least 50 pounds. I've been on and off for over a year but am finally starting for good. I've been logging for 20 days now but am just starting to use the support system here. We can do it!
  • I'm 22 and just starting out for real this time. :)