dawn139 Member


  • Non zombie here.......in fact well stocked up on the good stuff and by the good Stuff i mean ben and jerrys and jack daniels if the apocolypse ever comes and have no problem with vampires that don't sparkle (in fact some of them are HOT) how ever one little twinkle and there out! Looking for friends for support and help me…
  • hi Mike im a bit the same been here ages but not really got to where i want to be mainly because i would put the effort in for a bit and then drift back into old habits. Im trying to do it properly this time and put more effort into traking everything and swapping ideas and supporting others. Good luck on achieving your…
    in Hello! Comment by dawn139 November 2013
  • Hi feel free to add im a bit the same have lost weight in the past only to fall off the band wagon, im looking for friends on the same journey for support and advice along the way
  • I'm a bit further up in Cumbria well done on your weight loss so far. I'm happy to lose anything at the moment but in the long run 2 stone would be nice
  • Uk here north west looking for friends to celebrate success with and encourage on the days we all feel like being lazy feel free to Add :)
  • Feel free to add me I'm starting out though I've been on here a while ive really used it, think trying to do it on my own has allowed me to be lazy so hoping that using this more and being able to work with like Minded people will make me accountable for getting off my butt and less likely to be lazy.
  • Feel free to add I'm currently starting out (again lol) and am working in much the same way as you trying to keep to 1200 calories and increasing my exercise
  • Feel free to add me (I haven't worked out how to use everything from my phone yet) :) I'm starting out and hope working with people will help :)
  • Hi I've been on here for a while but never really used it but I'm determined to do this properly and lose my extra weight. I have a few events to look forward to in the new yer and would like to look half decent for them. Think talking to and working with like minded people aiming for the same things will help especially…
  • Thanks all, I have been on here a while and not really utilized it it was just another app on my phone, I have also not posted in the forum at all. I think this time im more determined and have set myself achievable goals in small steps rather than wanting it all and wanting it now, however doing it on my own with not…
  • ive never traked it properly before but hoping if i make that part of it i can see where im going and whats working. Im the same im doing it for me and not really advertising within my friends that im trying to lose, they talk constantly about whatever latest fad they are following and i dont want to get into all that…
  • thats great hope cutting chocolate out has the same effect for me :) its the break day thats so easily becomes a break week then a break month then im where i am today because it turned into 18months of not really putting the effort in and im back to square one i dont really want to do that this time
  • im trying to keep within 1200 and 1500 calories but seem to be struggling to hit even the 1200 at time. My eating habits for a long while have been awful and adding at least three meals a day is proving a bit much iv always skipped breakfast only sometimes eat lunch and then have a big meal and this has been my downfall i…